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  1. #101
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 101. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Tin cứu trợ cập nhật từ Guatemala - 9 tháng 12, 2009

    Tin cứu trợ cập nhật của Hội Quốc tế Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư từ Guatemala.

    Chịu đựng hạn hán tệ hại nhất trong ba thập niên qua, quốc gia này chứng kiến vụ mùa chủ yếu thất bại và tình cảnh về thực phẩm tuy đã trầm trọng rồi ngày càng tệ hơn. Tính tới cuối tháng 9, 2009, hơn 54.000 gia đình kém may mắn tại các vùng đông và đông bắc chịu đau khổ vì đói, trong khi 400.000 người đối diện nguy hiểm.

    Trong số người này, trên 40% là trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi, nhiều em thiếu dinh dưỡng và nhiễm nhiều bệnh như viêm phổi. Sau khi nghe về tình trạng hiểm nghèo này, Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư lập tức ban tặng 140.000 Mỹ kim để cứu trợ khẩn cấp, số tiền này có thể mua 1.255.000 Mỹ kim tiếp liệu nếu mua tại Hoa Kỳ, dựa vào giá sinh hoạt ở Guatemala.

    Vào ngày 17 tháng 11, hội viên chúng tôi từ Costa Rica tham dự buổi lễ trao tiền tặng được tổ chức bởi chính phủ Guatemala và tòa Đại sứ của Formosa (Đài Loan). Tại đó, họ trao tặng tấm ngân phiếu tượng trưng cho Phó Ngoại trưởng của Guatemala, Đại sứ Estuardo Roldán. Đồng thời trong buổi lễ cũng có 40 vị thượng khách, bao gồm các viên chức chính phủ từ Guatemala và Formosa (Đài Loan).

    Trong buổi lễ kể trên, quan khách cũng được xem những cuốn băng hình: “Đi Con đường Tình thương” và “Sự Thật,” trong đó nhấn mạnh sự quan trọng của dinh dưỡng thuần chay cân bằng để giải tỏa sự đe dọa của hâm nóng hoàn cầu. Các vị khách quý hiện diện bày tỏ sự lưu tâm của họ đến tài liệu về khí hậu thay đổi.

    Gloria Pensavene de Troche, Bộ Ngoại giao Guatemalan (F): Chúng tôi cũng xin biết ơn cho món quà tặng từ [Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư] đã ban cho Guatemala khi chúng tôi gặp khó khăn vì khí hậu thay đổi, và thật sự rất hữu ích cho những người phải trải qua vấn đề này. Cám ơn Ngài.

    Ta-Chen Sun, Đại sứ Formosa đến Guatemala (M): Nhân danh tòa Đại sứ tại Guatemala tôi xin gửi lời cảm tạ đặc biệt đến Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư. Thêm vào đó, tôi xin nhân cơ hội này yêu cầu tất cả quan khách, xin hãy để ý đến vấn đề hâm nóng toàn cầu và khủng hoảng khí hậu.

    XƯỚNG NGÔN VIÊN: Chúng tôi xin tri ân chính phủ Guatemala và tòa Đại sứ Formosa cho thực hiện buổi họp kể trên và chia sẻ quan tâm về tình trạng khẩn cấp của Địa cầu chúng ta. Kính xin cảm tạ Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư cho sự quan tâm ân cần và trợ giúp của Ngài cho người khốn khó Xin Thượng Đế bảo vệ người dân Guatemala khi chúng ta cố hồi phục sự ổn định địa cầu qua lối sống hiền từ và có ý thức sinh thái hơn.

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  2. #102
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 102. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Tin cứu trợ cập nhật từ Anh quốc - 10 tháng 12, 2009

    Tin cứu trợ của Hội Quốc Tế Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư cập nhật từ Anh quốc.

    Mưa lũ và gió mạnh gây ngập lụt nhiều nơi ở Wales, Tô Cách Lan và đặc biệt ở quận Cumbria miền tây bắc England vào ngày 19 tháng 11. Thật đáng thương, có ít nhất một tử vong, bao gồm viên cảnh sát Bill Barker bị đột quỵ vì nước lụt khi các dòng sông phá vỡ bờ đê và một cây cầu bị sụp đổ.

    Ở Cumbria, 1.300 nhà bị ảnh hưởng, với nước dâng cao lên đến 2,5 thước, và 200 cư dân trong thị trấn Cockermouth bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất phải di tản khỏi nhà trong khi các dịch vụ cấp cứu đã giải cứu cho 200 người khác.

    Khi chuyển đạt sự đau xót và lời cầu nguyện, Ngài Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư đã tặng 10.000 bảng Anh hàng hóa cứu trợ cho các gia đình của PC Barker và những nạn nhân khác, để trợ giúp và an ủi nạn nhân.

    Ngày 24 tháng 11, toán cứu trợ hội viên chúng tôi lên đường đến Cockermouth, tự trang trải chi phí du hành, đã phát hiện rằng mặc dù các chính phủ trong vùng cung cấp cứu trợ tổng quát, nhiều người cần tốn nhiều tháng mới có thể phục hồi.

    Nạn nhân thiên tai 1 (F): Nước tràn vào qua trước nhà, sau nhà, cửa sổ, và đổ xuống từ trần nhà. Nhiều người không có bảo hiểm và có người bị chết.

    Nạn nhân thiên tai 2 (F): Bạn tôi và tôi thật sự được cứu bởi tàu từ đỉnh cửa sổ. Có một xoáy nước lớn ở bên ngoài.

    Chủ của cửa tiệm bị hư hại, người nhận cứu trợ (M): Chưa bao giờ có chuyện như thế xảy ra trước kia – chưa từng có!

    XƯỚNG NGÔN VIÊN: Toán cứu trợ phân phối từ 100 cho đến 200 bảng Anh tiền cứu trợ cùng với tờ thông tin đến các chủ tiệm, họ tỏ lòng tri ân sâu xa trước tình thương của Sư Phụ.

    Hội viên chúng tôi cũng mua trái cây, hạnh nhân và bơ thuần chay cho nhà thờ địa phương, khi họ trợ cấp người dân với các gói thức ăn nhanh và thức uống nóng. Toán cứu trợ viếng thăm ty cảnh sát để tham khảo xem góa phụ của cựu cảnh sát viên Bill Barker còn cần trợ giúp gì nữa không, và được biết rằng một liên lạc viên sẽ liên lạc với họ.

    Kế tiếp là đến Keswick, họ gặp một cặp vợ chồng trẻ với một bé sơ sinh phải di tản khỏi căn nhà vì lũ lụt. Khi nhận được đóng góp 500 bảng Anh với các tờ thông tin, cặp vợ chồng rơi nước mắt tỏ lòng tri ân.

    Trong thị trấn Workington, một cặp vợ chồng trẻ khác bị di tản với em bé 10 ngày tuổi được cấp 1.000 bảng Anh và tờ thông tin. Cặp vợ chồng quá vui mừng và kính xin cám ơn Sư Phụ rất nhiều.

    Chủ của cửa tiệm bị hư hại, người nhận cứu trợ (M): Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư thật kỳ diệu và chân thành kính xin cám ơn Ngài rất nhiều!

    XƯỚNG NGÔN VIÊN: Xin thành tâm tri ân các viên chức chính phủ, nhân viên cứu cấp và mọi tình nguyện viên đã trợ giúp để xoa dịu tình trạng trong vùng lũ lụt. Cũng kính xin cám ơn sự quan tâm tỉ mỉ của Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư cho người khốn khổ, và xin tri ân nỗ lực chân thành của toán cứu trợ hội viên chúng tôi.

    Với ân sủng của Thượng Đế, mong nạn nhân người Anh nhanh chóng phục hồi đời sống tiện nghi bình thường hàng ngày, khi thời tiết cực đoan như thế giảm bớt qua cách quản lý dịu dàng hơn của nhân loại cho Địa Cầu.

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  3. #103
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 103. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Tin cứu trợ cập nhật từ Phi Luật Tân - 11 tháng 12, 2009

    Tin cứu trợ của Hội Quốc tế Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư cập nhật từ Phi Luật Tân.

    Vào cuối tháng chín, hai trận bão lớn, Ketsana and Parma, càn quét đảo Luzon ở Phi Luật Tân liên tiếp đến chỉ nội trong 8 ngày. Hơn 600 người tử vong và nửa triệu người bị ảnh hưởng khi nước lũ làm ngập hàng tá thị xã và làng mạc cùng với vụ mùa và tài sản bị tàn phá.

    Sau khi biết tin về các trận bão này, Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư mau chóng ban tặng tổng số 55.000 Mỹ kim, yêu cầu rằng hội viên chúng tôi đi giúp những người bị ảnh hưởng nhất trong các vùng nặng nhất. Ngân khoản này có thể mua 792.000 Mỹ kim tiếp tế nếu mua tại Hoa Kỳ, dựa trên giá sinh hoạt ở Phi Luật Tân.

    Theo sau công tác đầu tiên phân phát vật dụng khẩn cấp và an ủi nạn nhân tại các vùng bị nạn khác nhau toán cứu trợ hội chúng tôi từ Formosa (Đài Loan) sẵn sàng đi đến thị xã bị càn quét nặng nề là Marilao thuộc tỉnh Bulacan ngày 20 tháng 10, tự trang trải du hành và chi phí liên hệ gồm 1.432 Mỹ kim.

    Gạo và những vật dụng cứu trợ khác như là xì dầu, dấm, và thanh xà phòng được mua và đóng gói với sự giúp đỡ của thành viên cộng đồng tại địa phương, rồi phân phát cho 6.500 gia đình trong ba làng mà viên chức địa phương nói nhận viện trợ ít nhất từ các tổ chức phi chính phủ.

    Các nạn nhân thật vui mừng và biết ơn nhận được quà và hình của Sư Phụ. Chúng tôi tri ân các viên chức Phi Luật Tân và thành viên cộng đồng, cho trợ giúp giá trị của quý vị.

    Kính xin cảm tạ Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư cho viện trợ nhân từ của Ngài mang lại sự an ủi cho những ai cần giúp nhất, cũng như cám ơn hội viên chúng tôi cho những nỗ lực tinh tấn của họ. Xin chúc các nạn nhân bị bão hồi phục nhanh chóng về đời sống bình thường, khi các khắc nghiệt như vầy giảm bớt nhờ nhân loại hiền hòa và quan tâm ổn định sinh thái hơn cho Địa Cầu chúng ta.

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  4. #104
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    Default 104. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Spain - 14 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Spain.

    In late July, an oppressive heat wave brought temperatures of 41 degrees Celsius, also sparking huge wildfires in the rural northeastern areas of the nation. While working to contain the flames, five firefighters perished in the Catalonian province of Lleida, while another succumbed in the province of Teruel.

    On July 23, Supreme Master Ching Hai quickly requested that our nearby Association members please go comfort the loved ones of the firefighters.

    She also donated €1,000 and gifts for each of the six families.Covering their own expenses of approximately €150, our Association members from Valencia traveled to Lleida to convey Master’s condolences and love to the families.

    Respecting their requests for privacy, the team gave Master’s donations, along with some of her books and DVDs, to the Fire Chief Inspector in Lleida and to the local government Chief of Staff in Teruel.
    The families later conveyed their deep appreciation for Master’s care and support.

    We appreciate the help of the Lleida Fire Chief Inspector and the Teruel Chief of Staff. Our thankfulness also goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt concern for the distressed. Our sincere sympathies for the bereaved as we pray that such devastating events subside through humanity’s kinder ways.

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  5. #105
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 105. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Samoa - 15 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Samoa.

    On September 29, a massive magnitude-8.0 temblor struck underwater between the islands of Samoa and American Samoa. The quake triggered a wall of waves several meters high that took nearly 200 lives on Tonga, American Samoa, and especially Samoa.

    Many homes and cars were swept away as people only had a few minutes to flee the sudden waters.
    Upon hearing of this tragedy, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately conveyed her heavy heart and tears while donating US$30,000 to assist the most afflicted.

    This amount could acquire US$247,000 in supplies if bought in the United States, based on the region's cost of living.Our Association’s relief team from Australia looked into the situation and found that the people of Tonga and American Samoa had been well cared for by the governments of New Zealand and the United States.

    Covering their own travel and related expenses of approximately US$3,000, they went to the populous Samoan island of Upolu and arrived at a 20-kilometer stretch of coast where settlements and resorts had been almost entirely wiped out.

    However, despite aftershocks and another tsunami warning that occurred on the day the team arrived, they found the Samoan people recovering due to their deep love of God and strong community support, even though many had lost children or elders.

    Working with the local Disaster Management Office (DMO), which was very well organized and had promptly seen to the storm victims’ more immediate medical, shelter and food needs, our Association’s relief team focused on longer term necessities.

    They were thus able to supply rebuilding materials such as tools, gardening utensils, hammers, nails, measuring tape and gloves. Together with the DMO personnel, they distributed these items to each village along with food and water supplies.

    Our appreciation, Samoa’s Disaster Management Office and personnel for your timely assistance. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her attentive care and comfort to the distressed disaster victims, as we also thank our Association members for their wholehearted initiatives to help.

    Wishing the storm afflicted a swift return to productive day-to-day lives as such traumatic situations are minimized through humanity’s gentler regard for all beings. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television for the second part of this relief report on Noteworthy News.

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  6. #106
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 106. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Tanzania - 16 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Tanzania.

    After suffering from prolonged drought that robbed the lands of vegetation, Tanzania was swept by four days of torrential rains in November. A landslide triggered in the northern mountainous Kilimanjaro region took the lives of at least 24 children and adults, rendering many other people homeless. Supreme Master Ching Hai
    offered US$10,000 on November 14 for the families most in need as well as any orphaned, elderly, injured and neglected.

    With tears of sorrow and her prayers, she asked that our Association members please go and comfort the afflicted if possible. The amount could purchase US$339,000 in urgent items, if acquired in the United States, based on Tanzania’s cost of living.

    Our Association’s local relief team quickly went to the hard-to-reach affected regions, covering their own travel and related expenses of approximately US$1,350.

    After driving a long distance and then on rough mountainous roads, they were able to distribute blankets, mosquito nets, and food supplies to the villagers in need. The villagers were very happy and grateful for Master’s support and comfort, and the District Administrator offered thanks and well wishes on behalf of the
    Tanzanian government to Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Association.

    We join in thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her wholehearted care of the less fortunate. Our appreciation also for our Association members’ dedicated efforts. With the grace of the Providence, may the people of Tanzania swiftly recover their regular day-to-day lives as our greater benevolence helps ease calamities as these.

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  7. #107
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    Default 107. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Samoa - 17 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Samoa.

    On September 29, a massive magnitude-8.0 temblor struck underwater in the South Pacific island region of Samoa, Tonga and American Samoa. A wall of water then swept ashore that cost nearly 200 lives as people had only moments to flee the sudden waves.

    Our Association member (M): There’s nothing left here at all. It’s just completely flattened.

    VOICE: Conveying her heavy heart and tears, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$30,000 to assist the most afflicted. This amount could acquire US$247,000 in supplies if bought in the United States, based on the region's cost of living.

    Covering their own travel and related expenses of approximately US$3,000, our Association’s Australian relief team quickly went to the severely affected Upolu island of Samoa.

    Following their initial delivery of assistance to some of the remote regions, they decided to participate in White Sunday, an annual Samoan holiday celebrated especially for children.

    The team put together 600 comfort gift packs that included a beautiful bowl with flower, a cup, small toy, a large cereal pack, biscuits, juice, lollipops, chips, peanuts, SOS flyers, coloring books, crayons and white shirts for the children to wear on White Sunday.

    The local merchants and Disaster Management Office staff were very generous in volunteering to work together in assembling and delivering these packs. Our Association members offered them some of Master’s animal books and Loving Hut diaries as a token of appreciation for their assistance.The Ministers of Environment and Health then offered to assisted in the relief team delivered some special comfort packs to homes where displaced children were staying, as well as an orphanage, much to the joy of the children.

    At the orphanage, the DMO staff asked our Association members to stand behind the children for photos. When they did, the kids began to spontaneously sing as an expression of their love and appreciation.

    The relief team was touched by these spiritual and loving island people who showed such courage and faith in God. We send our appreciation to Samoa’s Disaster Management Office,the Ministers for the Environment and Health and local merchants your caring aid.

    Our thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt benevolence extended to the Samoan people, as well as our Association’s relief team for their diligent efforts. May the storm afflicted quickly resume their fulfilling daily lives and be protected by God’s grace as humanity strives for kinder, eco-stabilizing ways.

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  8. #108
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    Default 108. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Uganda - 19 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Uganda.

    In November, a windy hailstorm swept through Buliisa, Uganda, with regional deforestation worsening a subsequent landslide that destroyed more than 40 homes. Two young men lost their lives and 30 others were injured as many families were displaced, with crops damaged as well.

    On November 17, Supreme Master Ching Hai quickly donated US$10,000 for the most afflicted, sending all her love and sorrow. This amount could acquire US$37,000 in essential supplies if bought in the United States, based on the cost of living in Uganda.

    Covering their own travel expenses of US$900, our Association’s local relief team set out to the affected area where they distributed flour, rice, beans, cooking oil, salt, soap and blankets.

    The community members expressed their deep appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai, and Chairperson Mr. Kwonka sent a special thanks, wishing her abundant blessings for her love and care for people around the world.

    We too are grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional benevolence that comforts the distressed. We also thank our Association’s relief team for their helpful endeavors.

    Wishing the people of Uganda a smooth recovery to lives of fulfilling regularity as humanity’s gentler ways help restore our Earth’s stability.

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  9. #109
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    Default 109. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from India - 20 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from India.

    In early November, temperatures in northern India began to dip with the approach of winter. As the states of
    Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are home to the holy cities of Benares and Haridwar, respectively, many spiritual practitioners can be found in the region.

    With the harsher cold imminent, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her concern for their welfare. She thus provided US$20,000 and asked that our Association members please go and give them blankets.
    This amount could obtain US$328,000 in materials if purchased in the United States, based on India’s cost of living. On November 17, our Association members from Formosa (Taiwan) arrived in Delhi, India, covering their own travel and related expenses of around US$3,000.

    There, they purchased 4,335 blankets and learned that the devotees were mainly staying on the banks of the River Ganges near the two holy cities. Accordingly, they searched along the river banks and gave out the blankets. The recipients were delighted and surprised, expressing their gratitude for the love of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    Upon hearing of our Association members’ endeavors, the Santosh Puri Ashram located in Haridwar helped to spread the news and generously allowed our Association members to use their ashram for distributing the blankets. While queuing to receive them, joyous truth seekers sang the holy songs of India to express their gratitude for this providential care.

    Narmada Devi Puri Ma (Mataji), Co-founder of Santosh Puri Ashram, Hardiwar, India, Vegetarian (F):
    How beautiful it was to see the people from other countries come and give charity to the Sadhu.

    VOICE: Our appreciation for the gracious hospitality of Santosh Puri Ashram. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt consideration extended to the vulnerable and we also thank our Association members for their diligent help. May Heaven protect the spiritual practitioners on their faithful journey toward the Divine.

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  10. #110
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    Default 110. TIN CỨU TRỢ

    Relief news update from Afghanistan - 21 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Afghanistan.

    From April to May 2009, at least 10 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces were hit by floods, landslides and avalanches. In five of the northernmost provinces, more than 150 people perished with over 10,000 families affected.

    Hundreds of homes were destroyed, and more than 5,000 hectares of croplands and 4,200 fruit trees were damaged, as many farmers lost their produce and livelihoods.

    On May 23, Supreme Master Ching Hai promptly donated US$20,000 for urgent aid, to be delivered by our Association’s relief team if possible. This amount could purchase an equivalent of US$1.2 million in aid purchased in the United States, based on Afghanistan’s cost of living.

    Despite some delays encountered due to administrative problems, on November 7 our Association’s nearest relief team arrived at Herat, Afghanistan, having covered their own travel and related expenses of US$1,100.

    The next day, representatives of the flood-afflicted persons arrived at a designated warehouse to receive the supplies. Our Association members handed out packages including rice, oil, and a blanket to 392 families.

    Our gratefulness for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s wholehearted concern and aid, as well as our Association relief team’s sincere efforts. May Allah bless the Afghan people with a swift recovery to their productive day-to-day lives, as humanity’s kinder standards help ensure a peaceful Earth.

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  11. #111
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    Relief news update from Nepal - 23 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Nepal.

    From October 3 to 7, Nepal was swept with unexpected torrential rains that overflowed the Yangon and Pantura rivers, triggering severe landslides and floods. Over 50 people perished, including many children, as homes were swept away or collapsed in the districts of Dadeldhura, Achham, Kanchanpur and Bajhang.

    Thousands were rendered homeless, while blocked roadways hindered relief efforts.

    On October 7, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$10,000, conveying her heavy heart and her prayers as she requested that our native or nearby Association members go help those most in need.
    This amount could acquire US$426,000 in urgent items if bought in the United States, based on Nepal’s cost of living. Our Association’s native members first completed relief work in Bajhang district and then traveled the long distance to Achham district, one of the most remote and underdeveloped areas of Nepal.

    Accompanied by a local police officer, the relief team went to survey the situation and met four families who had lost 10 loved ones, with two who had lost all their family members.

    Since we are homeless, we are staying in others' houses along with our children and mother-in-law. Had it rained for 5 to 10 minutes more, our whole village would be gone.

    Victim, Accham District, Nepal (M): Others were dead and we the remaining ones didn’t know where to go, what to do or how to survive.

    VOICE: The officer helped our Association members arrange relief packages for 113 families, seven of whom had lost loved ones. The team then distributed the packages containing rice, dried beans, oil, and blankets along with financial aid to the bereaved at the local Siddha Baba Temple. Supplies for the 29 families who lived too far away were given to the police personnel who had offered to deliver them. Government dignitaries,
    officials and a representative of the Red Cross Society were also present and expressed their appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    The local people in Achham notified the relief team of two families in another district, Dadeldhura, who had lost family members, with two children who had survived the calamities by hiding inside a drum.
    Our Association members thus provided them with relief materials and cash assistance.

    achham relief+thanks giving Victim, Accham District, Nepal (M): We would like to express our gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai for providing us, the flood victims, with relief.

    Mr. Prem Bahadur Saud, President of the Dune sub-chapter of the Nepal Red Cross Society (M): For having relieved the afflicted, I would like to extend my genuine thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    VOICE: We thank the police officer and other local personnel for their assistance. Our gratefulness goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her generosity and heartfelt care for the vulnerable, and to our Association’s relief team for their diligent endeavors.

    We pray for the Nepali people’s swift return to the regularity of daily life and that such weather extremities subside as we foster kinder, eco-balancing ways.

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  12. #112
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    Relief news update from Iran - 24 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Iran.

    Torrential rains in late September affected communities throughout the nation, as floods took 18 lives in Razavi Khorasan province and also swept the villages of Abarkhan and Kanahbist near the holy city of Mashhad.

    Crops also suffered extensive damage. Upon hearing of these calamities, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$10,000 on September 23, requesting that our Association members go comfort and aid those most desperate, including the bereaved families, the elderly and the orphaned.

    This amount could acquire US$37,000 in relief supplies purchased in the United States, based on Iran's cost of living.

    Our native Association members set out to conduct the relief work in Mashhad, covering their travel expenses of US$25. They visited six families whose losses included loved ones who had died while trying to save others.

    The relief team offered their condolences and distributed financial assistance ranging from US$200 to US$500, depending on each situation. The team also plans to return to provide these victims with further aid.

    Our Association members then went to visit six families of a tribe in an area between the cities of Chenaran and Ghoochan, whose tents had been lost in the floods. Thankfully, the Iran Red Crescent Organization had provided them with replacement tent shelter along with oil lamps and mats.

    Conveying their sympathies, the relief team distributed US$1,250 in aid, along with US$100 given to a woman from another nearby village who was facing similar conditions.

    Throughout the mission, the relief team distributed SOS flyers and explained about the vegan solution to global warming. They also suggested vegetable farming as a wholesome means to ensure residents’ livelihoods.

    One family assured that they already refrain from consuming meat to protect from disease. We appreciate Iran’s Red Crescent Organization for their timely help to those in need.

    Our gratefulness also for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love and support as well as our Association members for their prompt efforts to ease the situations. May the gentle-hearted Iranian people soon return to their productive day-to-day lives as humanity’s increased kindness helps restore our planetary stability.

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  13. #113
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    Relief news update from the Philippines - 26 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from the Philippines.

    On November 24, Typhoon Urduja made landfall in the Philippines, affecting over 400,000 people as 300 millimeters of rain swept through parts of northern Mindanao and east Visayas provinces.

    With flash floods and landslides triggered, four people succumbed to the calamities, while 13 others were injured. Sending her love and heart’s prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$10,000 for our Association members to go provide emergency aid and comfort the afflicted.

    This amount could purchase US$144,000 in items bought in the United States, based on the Philippines’ cost of living. Using US$2,560 of their personal funds for travel and related expenses, our Association’s relief team from Formosa (Taiwan) quickly went to Cagayan de Oro City in Visayas province, where many of the victims were staying. After being informed of the disaster situation, they purchased 9,000 kilograms of rice, along with corresponding amounts of salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce and bars of soap.

    These were arranged into 3,000 packages and distributed throughout nine villages total.The relief team also visited the local Boystown orphanage to convey Master’s deep concern for the children’s well-being where they gave out daily necessities including rice, oil, salt, sugar, cookies and kitchen utensils. All the recipients accepted Master’s loving gifts with joy.

    Hon. Constantino G. Jaraula, Mayor of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines (m): Master Ching Hai,I would like to congratulate you for this wonderful spirit and the project that you are pursuing throughout the world, now reaching the city of Cagayan de Oro. Go on with your mission. We are behind you. We are praying for you as you are also praying for us. May the world have more of Master Ching Hai.

    Ms. Cora Buntag, Superintendent of “Boystown” Orphanage, Philippines (F): Thank you very much. We love you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. We love you very much.

    Young relief recipients, “Boystown” Orphanage, Philippines (M): Master Ching Hai, I love you!

    VOICE: We join in gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her attentive care of the vulnerable, as well as our Association’s relief team for their altruistic assistance. May Heaven grace the Philippine people with a swift recovery to their fulfilling day-to-day lives as our planetary balance is restored through humanity’s gentler
    stewardship on Earth.

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  14. #114
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    Relief news update from Senegal - 27 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Senegal.

    From the end of August to September, the Senegalese capital of Dakar was hit by five days of torrential rains. Numerous people were rendered homeless when buildings were destroyed by the unusual floods.

    On September 3, Supreme Master Ching Hai had quickly donated US$10,000 in aid, while conveying her love and sympathy and asking our Association members to go if possible to help.

    This amount could obtain US$297,000 in items purchased in the United States, based on the cost of living in Senegal.Covering their own travel and related expenses of US$1,162, our Association members from Benin travelled to Dakar as soon as they could.

    With the help of the local flood relief coordinator, Housing Ministry representative Mr. Massou Ndoy, the relief team was able to deliver food supplies to those with low incomes staying a relocated area. They distributed rice, vegetable oil and salt to the residents, who were deeply grateful for Master’s love and assistance.

    Mr. Massou Ndoy, local Housing Ministry representative, Dakar, Senegal (M): Today we have received important aid. So we thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

    Relief recipient, Dakar, Senegal (M): We graciously thank you for thinking of the disaster victims.

    Relief recipient representative, Dakar, Senegal (F): We graciously thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai international Association for this noble act.

    Young relief recipients, Dakar, Senegal: We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai! Senegal’s local representative for the Ministry of Urban Affairs, Housing, Urban Water, Public Hygiene & Sanitation, Mr. Massou Ndoy, also sent a letter of thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    Dear Supreme Master,We acknowledge receipt of the gift that you have kindly offered... to affected populations. This donation will surely be welcomed by those people with very low incomes. Our sincere thanks (and) please accept, Dear Supreme Master, our feelings of gratitude.

    Mr. Massou Ndoy Local Representative Senegal Ministry of Urban Affairs, Housing,Urban Water, Public Hygiene & Sanitation

    VOICE: We thank Mr. Ndoy and the government of Senegal for their gracious support and assistance. Our gratefulness also to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her loving care of those most in need, as well as our Association members for their dedicated efforts.

    With the grace of Heaven, may recovery be swift for the Senegalese people in resuming the regularity of their daily lives, as such disturbing events are eased through humanity’s kinder, Earth-harmonizing ways.

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  15. #115
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    Relief news update from China - 28 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from China.

    On November 2, a 5.0-magnitude earthquake struck China’s Binchuan and Xiangyun counties of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, injuring 28 people. Some 280,000 people from less fortunate backgrounds were affected as 30,000 homes were damaged and more than 1,000 collapsed.

    Meanwhile, four primary schools in Binchuan villages were damaged, forcing students to live and study in portable buildings.Upon hearing the situation, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated a total of US$35,000 in aid to the most desperate and to help rebuild the schools.

    This amount could acquire US$277,000 in essential supplies, if purchased in the United States, based on China’s cost of living.After conducting initial emergency relief work in Binchuan, our Association’s local relief team consulted the local government about the reconstruction of the schools and were able to provide US$19,000 to aid (RMB130,000) in the rebuilding that had begun on four new schools.

    They also provided funds for supplies such as books and pens and gave cash assistance to the four most desperate students at two of the schools. The teachers and students were moved to tears and were reluctant to part from our Association members. The relief team then went to visit a home for the elderly in Pingchuan, where they offered cash assistance to aid homeless seniors who were staying there. In a wish to recognize Supreme Master Ching Hai’s benevolent endeavors, the Binchuan County Government presented the relief team with a Certificate of Honor along with a special invitation to visit the schools after their construction was completed.

    The local officials also invited our Association members to a veg dinner that night, which was warmly accepted. We thank the local Chinese officials for their initiatives to aid in the recovery of the quake-affected residents.

    We are also grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s thoughtful assistance to the vulnerable, and for our Association members’ sincere efforts to help.

    Wishing the Chinese people a swift road to complete recuperation and that our planetary protection may be ensured through humanity’s more giving stewardship on Earth.

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  16. #116
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    Relief news update from Mauritania - 29 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Mauritania.

    From August to September, Mauritania and Niger were swept with floods triggered by incessant rainfall. Some 3,000 people were displaced in the Rosso and Nouakchott areas of Mauritania, with one person who lost their life and 500 rendered homeless as houses were destroyed.

    Sending her heartfelt sympathy and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$15,000 on September 5, requesting that our Association members please go to comfort and help the afflicted if possible.

    The amount could acquire US$509,000 in essential supplies if obtained in the United States, based on the costs of living in Mauritania and Niger. Our Association’s relief team from Benin first went to help the disaster-afflicted in Niger and then went to Mauritania, covering their own travel and related expenses.

    Arriving in Rosso on November 9, they were assisted by the Secretary General and Mayor’s Representative in distributing rice, vegetable oil, and sugar to those in need, much to their gratitude.

    Relief recipient, Rosso, Mauritania (M): On behalf of everyone here I thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Relief recipient representive, Rosso, Mauritania (M): We thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association for their laudable contributions to Rosso. Thank you.

    Secretary General and Mayor's Representative, Rosso, Mauritania (M): The people are in urgent need and we received this gift at a crucial moment. So we can only appreciate this wonderful gesture of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Thank you.

    VOICE: Our thanks, Rosso Secretary General and Mayor’s Representative, for your kind assistance. We are also grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt generosity and care as well as our Association’s relief team for their assistance to the afflicted. With Heaven’s grace, may the people of Mauritania be swiftly restored to their wholesome, productive lives as such devastating situations are minimized through humanity’s gentler, eco-stabilizing lifestyles.

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  17. #117
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    Relief news update from Fiji - 30 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Fiji.

    On December 14, Cyclone Mick pummeled Fiji, triggering extensive flooding and powerful gale-force winds on the main island of Viti Levu. At least four people lost their lives and another 4,000 fled to 60 different evacuation centers as homes and crops were destroyed with trees uprooted, schools damaged and power lines felled, causing electricity loss throughout much of the region.

    Mr. Rudra, Fijian Shop Owner:The people experienced a lot of floods inside their homes, and the property [was] damaged, everything…

    Our Association Member: How high was the water here?
    (Man raising arms to show water level.) So very dangerous for children, so you had to put them on the boat and go to the…

    Fijian Cyclone Victim:…hall. And the current was very strong.

    Relief Recipient, Fiji (M):We would like to thank you for your generosity and kind donation of the items that were given to us today and it will surely help us to recover and to get us on our feet.

    Relief Recipient, Fiji (M):What we’ve received today, it’s a miracle on Christmas.

    Mr. Rudra, Fijian Shop Owner (M):I would like to thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai for a wonderful task which indeed has provided the food packages to the needy people. I would like to thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai once again.

    Group of Relief Recipients, Fiji:We really thank you Supreme Master Ching Hai for what you have done for us. We really appreciate it!

    Conveying her heartfelt sorrow and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai promptly asked that our nearby Association members please go to help and console those in need. She also offered assistance of US$10,000, an amount that could purchase US$125,000 in urgent supplies in the United States, based on Fiji’s cost of living.

    Our Association’s relief team from Australia immediately traveled to Viti Levu, covering their own travel and related expenses of US$2,500. Once there, they happened to meet up with the owner of a supply shop, Mr. Rudra, who kindly offered for his staff to pack 720 parcels of items. These included rice, split peas, sugar, breakfast crackers, vegetable oil, instant noodles, refreshments for children and informative SOS flyers. Local disaster management officials informed the relief team that the urgent needs were near the national capital of Suva in Rewa Province and Navua District in the southern province of Serua.

    With the help of local heads of council in the following days, the relief team was able to deliver packages to the most affected villages and settlements. In addition, materials such as DVDs, books and CDs of Supreme Master Ching Hai and about the vegan solution to global warming were given to the village elders for distribution. The people eagerly and gratefully came to receive the gifts and supplies as soon as our Association members arrived at each destination. They expressed their deep thankfulness for Master’s love, saying it helped elevate the atmosphere. Our appreciation, Mr. Rudra and staff, as well as all local officials for your generous assistance during this relief work.

    We are ever-grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s heartfelt care of the vulnerable, as we also thank our Association members for their timely help. May Heaven bless the people of Fiji with a smooth recovery of their fulfilling day-to-day lives, as we strive to lessen such disasters through our kindness extended to all beings.

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  18. #118
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    Relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam) - 31 Dec 2009

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

    In early November, tropical storm Mirinae struck the provinces of Bình Định, Phú Yên and others in central Âu Lạc, claiming the lives of some two dozen people as it spread flooding and damage throughout villages in the region.

    On November 4, Supreme Master Ching Hai offered US$15,000 to help the most desperate, including the orphaned, the elderly and neglected victims. This amount could purchase US$252,000 in essential supplies if bought in the United States, based on Âu Lạc’s cost of living.

    Our Aulacese (Vietnamese) Association’s relief team went to the affected areas as soon as possible, spending approximately US$1,600 of their own funds for transportation and related expenses.

    Traveling by truck and boat over partially submerged roads, they first delivered 100 food packages to an isolated hamlet in Phù Cát District. The relief items included instant noodles, cooking oil, drinking water, sandwiches, and emergency cash aid.

    With the help of local government officials, another 100 packages were also brought to the heavily impacted Vân Canh District, as well as cash donations that were given to each of six families who had suffered from lives lost in the floods.

    Relief recipient – Vân Canh district, Bình Định province (M): Supreme Master Ching Hai has offered her sympathy and a very valuable gift to our family. This gift, I will forever remember all my life. I’m grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    VOICE: We join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her deep concern and timely aid, as well as our Association’s relief team for their dedicated efforts to relieve the flood victims in central Âu Lạc.

    Wishing for everyone’s fast recuperation to stable daily lives, we pray that such weather extremities subside through our gentler stewardship of the Earth.

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  19. #119
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    Relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam) - 2 Jan 2010

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

    As tropical storm Mirinae made landfall in central Âu Lạc on November 2, over 40 people perished due to serious flooding and widespread damage in the provinces of Bình Định, Phú Yên, Gia Lai, and Khánh Hòa.

    On November 4, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed much sorrow and her prayers as she donated US$15,000. This amount could acquire US$252,000 in urgent items in the United States, based on Âu Lạc’s cost of living.

    She also requested that our Association members go help the most desperate, including the orphaned, the elderly and the neglected. After initial work was completed in Bình Định province, our Association’s Aulacese (Vietnamese) relief team traveled to Phú Yên, covering their transport and related expenses with US$3,200
    of their own funds.

    Once there, they visited two hamlets that had lost some 22 community and family members with more than 150 collapsed homes. The villagers were given supplies such as rice, drinking water, and blankets, along with financial assistance according to each household’s situation.

    Hội Tín Village Head in Phú Yên, Âu Lạc (M): Today, people are very happy to receive Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concern and help. As the village chief, I’d like people to use this gift to repair their houses.

    On behalf of Hội Tín villagers, I’d also like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    VOICE: The relief team then went to the Gia Lai and Khánh Hòa provinces, where villages were also severely affected. They distributed over 150 packages of rice as well as cookers, cotton for making pillows, medicine, cookies, and monetary support. Village leaders and co-citizens alike expressed their thanks, often with tears to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    Tư Uốk Village Head in Gia Lai, Âu Lạc (M): On behalf of my village, I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and your Association members for supporting our village during the recent flood season.
    My respectful gratitude also for your material gift and love to our village.

    VOICE: We are also grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s assistance that brings comfort to the most distressed, and we also appreciate the dedicated endeavors of our Association’s relief team. May Heaven bless the Aulacese people with a quick recovery to their day-to-day lives as such events are minimized through humanity’s conscientious shift towards environmental harmony.

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  20. #120
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    Relief news update from Burundi - 3 Jan 2010

    Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Burundi.

    In October, over 1,000 people in Bubanza province were affected by heavy rains, with more than 214 homes as well as surrounding crops being destroyed.

    On October 24, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$10,000, which could purchase US$1.2 million in emergency supplies in the United States, based on the cost of living in Burundi.

    Sending her love and prayers, she asked that our Association members please go if possible to help and comfort those in need. Traveling to Burundi’s Bubanza province, our Association’s relief team from Formosa (Taiwan) covered their own travel and related expenses of approximately US$1,400.

    Once there, they were able to distribute cooking oil, beans, rice, flour, salt, and soap to affected villagers. The recipients expressed their joy and gratitude with applause, saying this was the best New Year’s present, while wishing Supreme Master Ching Hai a Happy New Year as well.

    The government of Bubanza also sent Supreme Master Ching Hai a letter of appreciation. The following is an excerpt:

    For the substantial aid you have given to the Bubanza region’s disaster victims affected by hail and torrential rains, we convey our sincere thanks and ask that Supreme Master Ching Hai please accept this expression of our gratitude and high regard.

    Sincerely, Nzeyimana Herménégilde Municipal Administrator

    VOICE: We join in sending our thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her altruistic assistance to the people of Burundi. We also thank our Association’s relief team for their dedicated efforts.

    May the storm-affected people swiftly recover the wholesome regularity of their daily lives as we strive for kinder ways to help ease distressing situations as these.

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