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    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 21. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

  2. #22
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    Default 22. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

  3. #23
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 23. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Nghiên cứu mới về tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu tiết lộ vấn đề hâm nóng toàn cầu lớn hơn - 16 tháng 11 , 2008

    Nghiên cứu mới về tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu nêu lên nguy cơ hâm nóng toàn cầu vượt khả năng kiềm chế. Giáo sư Chien-Lu Ping và các đồng nghiệp ở Đại học Alaska, Hoa Kỳ, vừa đưa ra kết quả của nghiên cứu dài 10 năm, phân tích hơn 100 mẫu đất nằm sâu dưới 1 thước của lớp đất đóng băng ở Bắc Mỹ, hoặc tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu. Họ phát hiện thấy chỉ riêng tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu ở Alaskan và Gia Nã Đại thôi đã chứa 137 tỷ khí nhà kính, khoảng gấp 2 lần lượng khí ước đoán trước đó. Nếu nhiệt độ ở Bắc Cực tăng lên 2 – 3 độ thì có thể làm tan tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu, phóng thích lượng khí tích trữ vào không khí và khiến nạn hâm nóng toàn cầu vượt khả năng kiềm chế.

    Cám ơn Tiến sĩ Chien-Lu Ping và đồng sự đã nỗ lực xác định sự đe dọa của tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu hiện đang tan chảy. Với hồng ân của Thiên Đàng, mong chúng ta mau chuyển sang lối sống bền vững ủng hộ mọi sự sống trên tinh cầu yêu quý.

    Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư đã nói về ảnh hưởng của việc sông băng tan chảy trong hội nghị truyền hình với Trung tâm Seattle Washington, Hoa Kỳ, vào ngày 6 tháng 7, 2008:

    Hội nghị truyền hình với Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư tại Trung tâm Seattle, Washington, Hoa Kỳ – 6 tháng 7, 2008

    Nếu không lạnh thì thậm chí tất cả các tầng đất, đó là các lớp bùn đông cứng, cũng sẽ tan chảy, và rồi khí từ tầng đất đóng băng vĩnh cửu cũng sẽ thoát ra. Đó là lý do có lẽ quý vị cảm thấy mệt mỏi hơn. Một vài nơi có thể có nhiều bệnh tâm thần hơn và đủ loại bệnh khác, và bệnh tật sẽ lan đến những nơi mà trước giờ chưa từng xảy ra. Như muỗi chẳng hạn, chúng di chuyển tới nhiều nơi khác nhau mà trước giờ chưa từng đến, vì khí hậu ấm hơn.

    Mọi người phải tham gia vào việc ăn chay và chấm dứt sát sinh, chấm dứt gây hại cho người khác và thú vật, và tiết kiệm năng lượng bằng mọi cách có thể làm, và chuyển xanh bất cứ nơi nào làm được. Vậy thì chúng ta vẫn còn có thể cứu vãn địa cầu.

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    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 24. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Sự tăng mạnh khí mê-tan không thể giải thích đưa đến thêm nhiều lo lắng

    Nguồn: Carbon Commentary

    Sự tập trung khí mê-tan tại đài thiên văn Mauna Loa. Điểm tài liệu xám là sơ kếty. Hình ảnh: NOAA.

    Thứ bảy, 8 tháng 11, 2008 in Newsletter #11 by Chris Goodall

    Chúng ta dường như biết rất ít về khí thải khí mê-tan hơn chúng ta nghĩ. Sau một thập niên ổn định, tập trung khí mê-tan trong khí quyển đã tăng mạnh trong 18 tháng vừa qua.

    Công việc nghiên cứu lúc đầu đề nghị rằng sự tăng này đã được tập trung vĩ độ phía bắc của Bắc bán cầu và phù hợp với lượng khí thải lớn hơn sự suy giảm vật chất hữu cơ trong lớp hàn băng đang tay chảy hoặc từ sự tan chảy của băng biển Bắc Cực.

    Hiện giờ kết quả này đã nảy sinh thắc mắc của việc cống bố một nghiên cứu mới cho thấy tập trung khí mê-tan đang tăng gần như ở mọi nơi. Vì khí mê-tan cần chút thời gian để khuếch tán khắp toàn cầu, công việc sau này cho thấy sự tăng trưởng khí mê-tan có thể không được trực tiếp vì khí thải tăng cường từ các nguồn sinh học.

    Cuộc tranh khoa học luận về nguyên nhân gây ra sự tăng khí mê-tan rất quan trọng, bởi vì điều đó gợi ý rằng chúng ta chưa có một mô hình tốt cho những gì xác định thay đổi trong sự tập trung khí. Một trong những lo lắng chính về hâm nóng toàn cầu là cuối cùng nó sẽ kích hoạt sự phun trào hàng triệu tấn khí mê-tan từ đáy biển sâu. (Điều này thường được biết là giả thuyết ‘súng clathrate’.)

    Khí độc hiện được khóa kín trong một liên kết ổn định với dòng nước cực lạnh dưới đáy đại dương. Sự tăng nhiệt độ thế giới liên tục sẽ cuối cùng khiến khí mê-tan vỡ tung từ ổ khóa hóa chất trong nước lạnh và nổi lên trên mặt biển. Điều này có lẽ đã xảy ra vào những lúc có sự hâm nóng nhanh chóng trong quá khứ xa xôi.

    Trọn bài trên

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  5. #25
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 25. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Nghiên cứu cực của Đại học Stockholm tạo nên làn sóng quốc tế

    Nguồn: Đại học Stockholm

    Örjan Gustafsson, một phụ tá giáo sư tại ITM chuyển thông tin đến tạp chí Independent (Anh quốc) từ trên chiếu thuyền nghiên cứu của Nga Jacob Smirnitskyi qua điện thư: “Một khu vực rộng lớn chứa nhiều khí mê-tan thoát ra được tìm thấy. Tại các địa điểm trước đó, chúng tôi đã tìm thấy mức khí mê-tan hòa tan tăng.

    “Lần đầu tiên, chúng tôi dẫn chứng tài liệu về một lĩnh vực mà sự thoát khí quá mạnh đến nỗi khí mê-tan không có thời gian để hòa tan trong nước biển nhưng nổi lên trên mặt biển như bong bóng mê-tan.”

    Gustafsson, cùng với hai sinh viên học vị tiến sĩ từ ITM, Vanja Alling và Jorien Vonk, đã ở trên tàu Smirnitskyi 45 ngày như một phần của dự án Nghiên cứu Tảng băng Siberia Quốc tế (ISSS-08), cũng được các nghiên cứu từ Nga và Hoa Kỳ tham gia.

    Mục tiêu của cuộc thám hiểm là để hiểu rõ hơn dòng chảy khổng lồ gồm thán khí, vật chất và nước đi qua lãnh nguyên Siberia vào bên trong Bắc Băng Dương ảnh hưởng đến khí hậu ra sao.

    Như báo chí quốc tế tường trình, sự khám phá của đội này là mới lạ.

    Gustafsson nói: “Ý tưởng thông thường vốn là ‘nắp’ lớp hàn băng trên lớp trầm tích dưới biển trên tảng băng Siberia nhất định được đậy kín và giữ nhiều bể cạn chứa trầm tích khí mê-tan khổng lồ.”

    “Bằng chứng phát triển về sự thoát khí mê-tan trong vùng không thể đến này có thể đề nghị rằng nắp lớp hàn băng bắt đầu bị khoang thủng, vì vậy khí mê-tan rỉ ra.”

    Chỉ điều này có ý nghĩa cho địa cầu có thể quan trọng ra sao khi hàng triệu tấn khí mê-tan thoát ra từ bên dưới đáy biển Bắc Cực có thể tăng tốc hâm nóng toàn cầu nhanh chóng.

    Các đồng nghiệp và sinh viên tại ITM đã có thể đi theo những phát hiện của nhóm nghiên cứu Stockholm qua diễn đàn của họ:

    Giáo sư Hans Borg và Trưởng phòng tại ITM nói: “Rất thú vị khi thấy công việc của họ được báo chí quốc tế chọn. Đây là nghiên cứu rất quan trọng và đại diện một đóng góp chủ yếu của Thụy Điển vào Năm Cực Quốc tế 2007-2008.”

    Năm Quốc tế Cực là một khởi xướng nghiên cứu khoa học lớn rộng gồm hơn 200 dự án và hàng ngàn khoa học gia từ hơn 60 quốc gia, phấn đấu để tạo những tiến bộ chủ yếu trong khoa học cực. Chương trình vận hành từ tháng ba 2007 đến tháng ba 2009.

    Những phát hiện sơ kết của Nghiên cứu Tảng Băng Siberia Quốc tế 2008 sẽ được xuất bản bởi Hiệp hội Địa vật lý Hoa Kỳ.

    Văn bản: Jon Buscal

    Cuộc thám hiểm nghiên cứu cực của Đại học Stockholm 2008:

    Nghiên cứu cực của Đại học Stockholm trong báo chí quốc tế:

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  7. #27
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 27. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Khí mê-tan đang tràn ngập vào trong khí quyển từ lãnh nguyên nhanh hơn dự đoán nhiều

    Nguồn: Đại học Copenhagen

    4 tháng 12, 2008

    Có thêm khí mê-tan đang thải ra vào trong khí quyển từ lãnh nguyên tại đông bắc Greenland nhiều hơn các nghiên cứu cho thấy trước đây. Những con số mới tiết lộ rằng những số lượng lớn khí nhà kính đang thải ra vào bầu khí quyển, không chỉ trong tháng mùa hè ấm áp, mà còn trong tháng mùa thu lạnh hơn. Đương nhiên, điều này đưa ra những thắc mắc mới liên quan đến sự hiểu biết về hệ thống khí hậu của địa cầu. Khoa học gia tại Đại học Copenhagen đang cộng tác với khoa học gia từ Đại học Lund tại Thụy Điển và Viện Nghiên cứu Môi sinh Quốc gia (DMU), Đại học Aarhus, gần đây đã trình bày những con số mới và ngạc nhiên trong tập san khoa học, Thiên Nhiên.

    Khí mê-tan là một khí nhà kính hữu hiệu hơn, và phần lớn khí mê-tan trong khí quyển đến từ khí thải từ những khu vực lãnh nguyên khắp thế giới, một phần đáng kể đến từ những vùng cực. Cho đến nay, khoa học gia tin rằng lãnh nguyên thải ra phần lớn khí mê-tan vào khí quyển trong những tháng ấm. Tuy nhiên, kết quả mới cho thấy rằng thiên nhiên có một kiến thức bí mật. Khoa học gia đã biết rằng sự bắt đầu đông đá những tháng mùa thu cũng ép số lượng khổng lồ khí nhà kính thoát ra khỏi lãnh nguyên. Số ghi được thực hiện tại trạm nghiên cứu Zackenberg ở đông bắc Greenland.

    Charlotte Sigsgaard, phụ tá nghiên cứu tại Ban Địa lý & Địa chất, Đại học Copenhagen, nói: “Thật ra, khí thải khí mê-tan vào tháng 9 và tháng 10 năm 2007 tương đương với tổn số khí thải khí mê-tan trong ba tháng mùa hè.”

    Những con số này rất ngạc nhiên, và các khoa học gia của chúng tôi hài lòng rằng thời gian đo lường được kéo dài, vốn được khởi động bởi Năm Địa cực Quốc tế 2007, đã mang lại nhập liệu mới đối với hiểu biết chung của chúng ta về hệ thống khí hậu và, đặc biệt là những thay đổi khí hậu mãnh liệt tại vùng Bắc Cực.

    Charlotte Sigsgaard nói và cho biết thêm về những con số mới, nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của những hoạt động giám sát mãnh liệt tại vùng Bắc Cực trên cao: “Giám sát trong môi trường dưới 20°C có thể phần nào là vấn đề, nhưng trong trường hợp này việc đó thật tuyệt vời và khá ngạc nhiên khi giám sát khí thải khí mê-tan từ lãnh nguyên bỗng nhiên tăng mạnh khi kết nối với sự bắt đầu đông đá tại Zackenberg.”

    Charlotte Sigsgaard dành vài tháng lạnh mùa thu vừa qua trong lãnh vực Zackenberg, giám sát mỗi ngày, điều hành và sử dụng thiết bị để thâu thập mẫu tài liệu từ lãnh nguyên. Việc làm của cô hiện có thể mang đến cho khoa học những hiểu biết mới lạ và chưa từng biết trước đây đối với vấn đề nan giải lớn của khí hậu.

    Đại học Copenhagen
    Liên lạc: Communications Division +45 35 32 42 61
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    DK-1017 Copenhagen K

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    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 28. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Melting Arctic Ocean Raises Threat of ‘Methane Time Bomb’

    Nguồn : Yale Environment 360

    Scientists have long believed that thawing permafrost in Arctic soils could release huge amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Now they are watching with increasing concern as methane begins to bubble up from the bottom of the fast-melting Arctic Ocean.
    by susan q. stranahan

    30 Oct 2008: Report

    For the past 15 years, scientists from Russia and other nations have ventured into the ice-bound and little-studied Arctic Ocean above Siberia to monitor the temperature and chemistry of the sea, including levels of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Their scientific cruises on the shallow continental shelf occurred as sea ice in the Arctic Ocean was rapidly melting and as northern Siberia was earning the distinction — along with the North American Arctic and the western Antarctic Peninsula —of warming faster than any place on Earth.

    Until 2003, concentrations of methane had remained relatively stable in the Arctic Ocean and the atmosphere north of Siberia. But then they began to rise. This summer, scientists taking part in the six-week International Siberian Shelf Study discovered numerous areas, spread over thousands of square miles, where large quantities of methane — a gas with 20-times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide — rose from the once-frozen seabed floor.

    These “methane chimneys” sometimes contained concentrations of the gas 100 times higher than background levels and were so large that clouds of gas bubbles were detected "rising up through the water column," Orjan Gustafsson of the Department of Applied Environmental Science at Stockholm University and the co-leader of the expedition, said in an interview. There was no doubt, he said, that the methane was coming from sub-sea permafrost, indicating that the sea bottom might be melting and freeing up this potent greenhouse gas.

    Gustafsson said he makes no claims that the methane release “is necessarily driven by global warming.”

    The route of the Jacob Smirnitskyi, a Russian research vessel that traveled along the Russian Arctic coast this summer as part of the International Siberian Shelf Study. Scientists detected extremely high levels of methane in the sea during the six-week voyage. The purple grid shows areas where researchers sampled gases.

    But a growing body of data showing that more methane is emanating from the rapidly thawing Arctic Ocean has caught the attention of many climate scientists. Could this be the beginning, they wonder, of the release of vast quantities of sub-sea Arctic methane long trapped by a permafrost layer that is starting to thaw?

    In recent years, climate scientists have been concerned about a so-called “methane time bomb” on land, which would be detonated when warming Arctic temperatures melt permafrost and cause frozen vegetation in peat bogs and other areas to decay, releasing methane and carbon dioxide. Now come fears of a methane time bomb, part two, this one bursting from the sea floor of the shallow Arctic continental shelf. The Arctic sea floor contains a rich, decayed layer of vegetation from earlier eras when the continental shelf was not underwater.

    So little data is available from the Arctic Ocean that no scientists dare say with certainty whether the world is watching the fuse being lit on a marine methane time bomb. But researchers such as Natalia Shakhova —a visiting scientist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks and a participant in some of the Siberian Shelf scientific cruises — are concerned that the undersea permafrost layer has become unstable and is leaking methane long locked in ice crystals, known as methane hydrates.

    "Now come fears of a methane time bomb, part two, this one bursting from the sea floor of the shallow Arctic continental shelf."

    One thing is certain: the shallow Siberian Shelf alone covers more than 1.5 million square kilometers (580,000 square miles), an area larger than France, Germany, and Spain combined. Should its permafrost layer thaw, an amount of methane equal to 12 times the current level in the atmosphere could be released, according to Shakhova. Such a release would cause “catastrophic global warming,” she recently wrote in Geophysical Research Abstracts. Among the many unanswered questions is how quickly — over years? centuries? — methane releases might occur.

    Said Gustafsson, “The conventional view is that the permafrost is holding these large methane reservoirs in place. That is a view that we need to rethink and revise.”

    What concerns some scientists is evidence from past geological eras that sudden releases of methane have triggered runaway cycles of climate upheaval. Martin Kennedy, a geologist at the University of California at Riverside and lead author of a paper published in Nature in June, speaks in near-doomsday terms, warning that rising methane emissions — from land and sea — threaten to radically destabilize the climate. Ice core studies in Greenland and Antarctica have shown that Earth’s climate can change abruptly, more like flipping a switch than slowly turning a dial.

    “I’m very concerned that we’re near the threshold and we’re going to see the tipping point in 20 years,” Kennedy warns. Temperature increases in the Arctic of a just few degrees could unleash the huge storehouse of methane, which some have estimated would be comparable to burning all recoverable stocks of coal, oil, and natural gas.

    "What concerns some scientists is evidence from past geological eras that sudden releases of methane have triggered runaway cycles of climate upheaval."

    Kennedy’s Nature article bases his warnings on a long-ago event. Sediment samples gathered in south Australia led Kennedy’s team to theorize that a catastrophic era of global warming was triggered some 635 million years ago by a gradual — and then abrupt — release of methane from frozen soils, bringing an end to “Snowball Earth,” when the entire planet was encrusted in ice. He sees similarities in the mounting threats of thawing terrestrial and marine permafrost today. The question, he asks, is what will set the process in motion and when.

    “Do we have a substantial risk of crossing one of these thresholds?” he asked in an interview. “I would say yes. I have absolutely no doubt that at the current rate of [greenhouse gas emissions] we can cross a tipping point, and when that occurs it’s too late to do anything about it.”

    As with much climate research, the science is complex and opinions can vary dramatically. David Lawrence of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, is concerned, but not alarmed. Lawrence was lead author of a paper in Geophysical Research Letters, also published in June, that documented the consequences of the record loss of Arctic sea ice in 2007. Based on climate models, Lawrence and his team theorized that during periods of rapid sea-ice loss, temperatures could increase as far as 900 miles inland, accelerating the rate of terrestrial permafrost thaw. From August to October of 2007, they reported, temperatures over land in the western Arctic rose more than 4° F above the 1978-2006 average.

    “If you give it [the land] a pulse of warming like that it could lead to increased degradation of permafrost,” Lawrence said in an interview. “It’s not quite a runaway situation, but it does accelerate once it starts to thaw and accumulates heat.”

    Arctic soils hold nearly one-third of the world’s supply of carbon, remnants of an era when even the northern latitudes were covered with lush foliage and mammoths ranged over grassy steppes. Scientists estimate that the Siberian tundra contains as much buried organic matter as the world’s tropical rain forests.

    Disappearing Arctic sea ice — summer ice extent was at its lowest level in recorded history in 2007 and almost hit that level in 2008 — also will warm the Arctic Ocean, since a dark, ice-free sea absorbs more solar radiation than a white, ice-covered one. In addition, warmer waters are pouring in from rivers in rapidly warming land regions of Alaska, Canada, and Russia, also increasing sea temperatures.

    "Scientists are stepping up their monitoring of the land and the sea in the Arctic."

    Rising ocean and air temperatures mean not only the continuing disappearance of Arctic sea ice — many scientists now think the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer within two decades — but also mean that permafrost on the sea floor could thaw more quickly. Scientists are unsure how rapidly the subsurface permafrost is thawing, or the exact causes. One possible cause could be geothermal heat seeping through fault zones. In any case, scientists agree that Arctic sub-sea permafrost — with a temperature of 29° F to 30° F— is closer to thawing than terrestrial permafrost, whose temperature can drop as low as 9.5° F.

    At this point, scientists are stepping up their monitoring of the land and the sea in the Arctic, watching to see if either time bomb — terrestrial or marine — is showing signs of going off. So far, data are scarce and monitoring networks don’t exist. “That makes it very difficult to understand and evaluate the future,” Lawrence said. Although scientists know that methane has been released in the region’s water for eons, they are unsure if the new findings represent a short-term spike or long-term trend.

    Pending more research, Orjan Gustafsson shares Lawrence’s caution. When he was asked how close Earth may be to a tipping point of irreversible climate change, he replied: “Everyone would like to know the answer to that. I don’t think anyone can say.”

    the article is reprinted from Yale Environment 360

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    Các khoa học gia NASA phát hiện sự hâm nóng Bắc Cực gia tăng

    Của Paul Sisco
    09 tháng 1, 2008

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    Tài liệu vệ tinh gần đây từ cơ quan nghiên cứu không gian vũ trụ Hoa kỳ NASA cho thấy rằng băng biển Bắc Cực và Greenland đang tan với tốc độ nhanh hơn dự đoán trước đây. Paul Sisco phát thanh viên của VOA tường thuật.

    Bắc Cực đang tan

    Các khoa học gia khí hậu tại trung tâm chuyến bay không gian Goddard của NASA tại Greenbelt, Maryland, ngoại ô Hoa Thịnh Đốn nói rằng biển Bắc Cực có thể gần như không còn băng vào mùa hè năm 2013.

    Jay Zwally, khoa học gia dự án vệ tinh băng đá tại Goddard NASA nói: "Băng biển đang tan nhanh hơn tất cả mô hình dự đoán. Chúng ta không những có sự hâm nóng từ khí quyển mà còn có sự hâm nóng của biển đang ảnh hưởng quá trình tan băng này. Sự giảm diện tích băng này đã làm mọi người ngạc nhiên. Đây là sự xuất phát rõ ràng và điều này đang chỉ cho chúng ta thấy rằng có thể chúng ta đang tiến đến đỉnh điểm này."

    "Nếu bạn đẩy một vật như một cái ly chẳng hạn tới một điểm nào đó, nó sẽ quay trở lại, nhưng nếu bạn đẩy quá xa, vượt qua điểm đỉnh, nó sẽ đi mất," ông giải thích. "Bây giờ những gì đang xảy ra trong biển Bắc Cực là băng biển đang mỏng dần; diện tích biển đang giảm. Điều này mở đại dương ra đến nhiều sức nóng hơn từ mặt trời. Vì vậy gần như băng biển Bắc Cực hiện ở đỉnh điểm này, chỗ mà cho dù khí hậu không nóng nữa, dừng lại như hiện tại, phần lớn băng biển sẽ giảm và tan biến vào cuối mùa hè."

    "Cho đến năm 2006, vào tháng 9 chúng ta sẽ mất băng đá với tỷ lệ hơn 9% cho mỗi thập niên,” Mark Serreze, nghiên cứu gia cao cấp tại Trung tâm Tài liệu Băng Tuyết Quốc gia Hoa Kỳ tại Colorado nói. “Đó là tương đương khoảng 100.000 cây số vuông mỗi năm, mức này quả khán lớn. Những gì đã xảy ra trong năm 2007 vừa đánh một dấu chấm than cho vấn đề này."

    Ảnh vệ tinh của NASA giới thiệu Bắc Cực trong 30 năm qua

    Ảnh vệ tinh của NASA cho thấy băng biển trung bình tại Bắc Cực hơn 30 năm qua. Màu xanh lá cây chỉ vùng đã tan vào cuối mùa hè năm ngoái.

    Zwally nói có một biểu hiện rõ ràng rằng lượng còn lại đang tan mỏng. "Điều then chốt là điện tích còn lại hiện giờ mỏng hơn trước," ông đã nói. "Thường có rất nhiều băng đá ở đây dày 3, 4, 5, 6 mét và phần lớn chúng đã bị biến mất."

    Tất cả mô hình khí hậu đã thay đổi và có khả năng mà khuynh hướng tan chảy có thể dẫn tới kết quả ít nghiêm trọng hơn dự đoán.

    "Khả năng khác là nó có thể tệ hơn so với các mô hình đã dự đoán và đây là một ví dụ. Một ví dụ đặc biệt của băng biển Bắc Cực nơi điều đang xảy ra, điều chúng ta thấy bằng vệ tinh thật sự tệ hơn so với các mô hình đã dự đoán," ông nói thêm là các mô hình này dựa trên đo đạc và quan sát trên mặt đất .


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    Methane gas released from lakes in Arctic region - 9 Sep 2009

    US and Canadian scientists in northwestern Canada have found alarming signs of permafrost melt in the form of “seeps,” which are leaking pure methane gas from the floorbed of Arctic lakes.

    With permafrost, or frozen tundra soil, covering almost one fifth of the Earth’s surface and containing massive stores of embedded carbon, permafrost expert Canadian Chris Burn has stated, “If we lost just 1 percent of the carbon in permafrost today, we'd be close to a year's contributions from industrial sources.”

    The researchers’ concern is amplified since it has been found that the Arctic region is warming many times faster than the rest of the world. Thus, these ancient deposits could quickly decompose, releasing carbon dioxide, along with the more powerfully warming gas methane. We are grateful for the dedication of the US and Canadian scientists whose studies in these remote regions show just how rapidly the Arctic is changing. May this eye-opening research lead to our own swift actions to stabilize our climate.

    In the following excerpt from a June 2008 videoconference with our Association members in England, Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses the tolls of the meat industry in affecting the melting permafrost.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: The permafrost layer is melting each day. And the methane gas, or other gases even, are releasing into the atmosphere. Methane and nitrous oxide is made by stock raising, stock keeping, animals keeping. They are far more poisonous, far more dangerous than CO2. So the effect is immense. Because the methane gas,
    it has been trapped all these centuries, because of stockbreeding, into the lakes, into the permafrost, into the ocean, and now if it’s melting then the gas will be released also.
    On top of that, if we have daily more animal breeding, more methane gas, then we will never stop. So just stop killing animals, stop raising animals anymore. And we don’t produce anymore methane gas, then it is a perfect picture.


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    Rapid warming is increasing global impact - 12 Sep 2010

    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has published a comprehensive report intended to provide leaders at the upcoming climate change meeting in Denmark with solid research in support of urgent action.

    Among its many findings were that the rapid Arctic melt and release of poisonous methane from melting permafrost could lead to dangerously irreversible climate change.

    The report also stated that sea level rise would be twice that cited in the most recent UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change figures, due to the rapid melting of Greenland and the Antarctic.

    Dr. Martin Sommerkorn, senior climate change advisor for WWF’s Arctic program said, "This report shows that it is urgently necessary to rein in greenhouse gas emissions while we still can. …

    Simply put, if we do not keep the Arctic cold enough, people across the world will suffer the effects.” Our sincere appreciation Dr. Sommerkorn, World Wildlife Fund and all participating researchers for this in-depth evaluation of human-caused global warming.

    We pray that leaders across the globe unite in commitment to sustainable lifestyles that protect our planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has on many occasions encouraged humanity’s quick response to the urgent facts being presented by the world’s scientists, as in this July 2008 videoconference in Tokyo, Japan.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I think we’d better heed the warning of the scientists because otherwise it’s not just the ice melt, maybe we will melt also.

    I hope not! And we are working frantically toward saving the planet. So if we be vegetarian, our good karma of saving lives will in turn reward us with our lives saved. That’s all I can say.


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    Siberian Arctic temperatures and methane emissions sharply increased - 13 Jan 2010

    Scientists from the University of Alaska at Fairbanks in the USA have reported that the shallow undersea permafrost in Siberia, which until recent years was stable, is now noted as releasing significant amounts of methane, even more than the record highs from Summer 2008.

    According to lead scientist Professor Igor Semiletov, who is also head of the International Siberian Shelf Study (ISSS), the region is experiencing the fastest temperature rise of the planet.

    Springtime air is currently measured at an average of 4 degrees Celsius higher than in the last three decades of the 20th century. Sudden releases of methane gas are linked to runaway global warming and are considered a factor in the past mass extinction of species.

    The Alaskan researchers state that if the current warming conditions continue, the melting of underwater Siberian permafrost would release catastrophic amounts of methane.

    Dr. Sergey Kirpotin – Tomsk University (Quote in Russian): As more permafrost melts, more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. It is absolutely evident. We could be uncertain in quantitative terms, but the fact that this process has a global character, global importance and global scale is absolutely evident.

    Vladimir Chuprov – Greenpeace Russia Representative (Quote in Russian):It is essential to come up with a new international agreement that could guarantee the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions – the causes of the global climate change.

    Only then could we slow down these negative processes that take place also in the Russian Arctic. Professor Semiletov and University of Alaska colleagues, we appreciate this clarion call about the dire signals being conveyed by our Earth.

    May we all deeply realize the grave nature of climate change and act now to protect our shared planetary home. As on many occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained during an October 2009 videoconference in Hong Kong the urgent situation of methane gas release, while offering the surest solution.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are massive quantities of gases, poisonous and explosive, such as under the permafrost. The gas released then causes more warming, which causes even more gas to be released. This is like a vicious circle. They even call this vicious feedback cycle a so-called “climate time bomb.” We are running out of time, we must wake up soon; we must make a small sacrifice and changes.

    I am hopeful. I’m having a positive feeling that it won’t happen to Earth, but we all must work; we cannot sit there and wait for a miracle to happen. God needs us to represent Hirm in compassion, in merciful heart, in the way we live a godly life, befitting God’s children. If we all become vegan and live a virtuous, compassionate life, it won’t happen.

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    Melting tundra releases immense carbon stores - 20 Jan 2010

    A study recently conducted by Dr. Sofia Hjalmarsson of the Department of Chemistry at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg found that the permafrost layer stretching across the vast reaches of the Arctic contains an additional global warming hazard.

    Besides the melting of methane hydrate crystals, which have already been observed as gaseous bubbles rising from an increasing number of Siberian lakes and other water bodies, the thawing tundra also releases stored carbon.

    Dr. Hjalmarsson’s studies of the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas of north Siberia as well as the Baltic Sea revealed elevated carbon dioxide levels in all of them, meaning that organic carbon released from the permafrost is being carried by the rivers out into the coastal waters.

    Dr. Hjalmarsson warned that the danger of the permafrost thawing is that it cannot be stopped once it advances beyond a certain stage, meaning that the melting of the vast carbon stores must be stopped now.

    Our appreciation, Dr. Sofia Hjalmarsson for this important research showing the ever-increasing dangers of global warming. May findings as these spur us all toward sustainable practices such as the Earth-saving vegan diet. During an international gathering with our Association members in February 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of toxic gases such as methane being released with atmospheric warming, as she urged for the solution that addresses the root cause.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, the gases are fuming from the ocean and from the land that’s been defrosting. It’s fuming everywhere. It’s just that at the moment, it’s not so intense.

    Everybody knows by now, from the UN report that meat eating, animal raising, it’s one of the worst factors, or even the worst factor of global warming. And nobody talks about it.
    Everybody says, new energy, biofuel, hybrid car, dig a hole and store the carbon.” As if it will not bust one day. And before that you have to breathe in already, as if will not affect you.

    What is so difficult, to put down one piece of meat, and replace it with one piece of tofu? Which is exactly the same, better nutrition. Better for your health. More economized.

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    Methane emissions foretell runaway climate change - 27 Jan 2010

    Scientists at Edinburgh University in Scotland have observed a 31% increase in methane emitted by high latitude permafrost, or Arctic tundra, in just the past five years. They also note that global warming in the Arctic is occurring at twice the rate as anywhere else on Earth, with some regions having already warmed by 2.5 degrees Celsius.

    Dr. Phillippe Ciais with the Laboratory for Climate Sciences and the Environment in France reported in 2009 that vast stores of methane could be released with just a 2 degree Celsius average global rise. As Arctic soils store billions of tons of the gas, which has far more warming potential than carbon dioxide, the thawing of this region could create what has been called a “ticking timebomb” that would overwhelm any human efforts to halt it.

    Dr. Ciais and University of Edinburgh researchers, we appreciate your observations and their resounding call to action. Let us step urgently while we still have time toward sustainable solutions that preserve our planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the critical danger of triggering such a methane release, as well as what we can do to halt it, as during September 2009 videoconference in South Korea.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I would say that the most serious one is the frightening prospect of runaway global warming, described by scientists as the conditions that will trigger out-of-control climate change effects.

    This runaway warming of the climate could easily be caused by melting permafrost, which is the frozen soil extending across the vast expanse of the Arctic tundra.

    As the permafrost melts, it releases methane stored underground. Since 2007, scientists have seen more and more evidence of methane from permafrost melt, with recent discoveries of pure methane gas bubbling up from the bottom of the Arctic lakes in both northern Canada and Russia.

    The more people who eliminate meat and, indeed, all animal products from their lives, the more we have a chance to save the planet and not only that, to actually restore our earthly home to her original grace and beauty and even more so, more than what we have known, more beautiful, more abundant, more peace, more gladness than what we have known up to now.

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    Permafrost receding northward - 26 Feb 2010

    In two concurring studies, researchers from Canada’s Université Laval and Sweden’s Lund University have found that the permanently frozen ground known as permafrost is melting at southern latitudes.

    In the case of Canada’s James Bay region, the permafrost layer now begins 130 kilometers north of where it had been 50 years ago. In Sweden, scientists found over a several-year period that the permafrost in one peat mire region completely disappeared. The Canadian researchers also noted a temperature rise of some 2 degrees Celsius over the last two decades, saying that if this continues, permafrost in the James Bay region will vanish.

    Not only is the melting of permafrost a sign of acute global warming, scientists have warned previously that its effects include the collapse of entire communities, which has already been seen in Arctic locations like Alaska, USA.

    Worse yet are the vast underground stores of methane that are released as the permafrost melts, with tipping points beyond which runaway global warming is inevitable.

    We thank you for your careful observations, Canadian and Swedish scientists, despite our alarm at what they foretell. May everyone turn to harmonious lifestyles that sustain our environment while there is still time.

    As in a September 2009 videoconference held in Peru, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently spoken of such warning signs as permafrost melt, along with the way we can all act to halt it.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: US and Canadian scientists traveling to the Arctic have noted increased methane gas being released from the Earth’s melting permafrost, which is storing immense amounts of methane beneath the frozen surface. Other research has also highlighted how quickly the temperature is rising in the Arctic, much faster than in the rest of the world.

    This means a vast quantity of methane could be released from the previously frozen soil very quickly, which would be a complete disaster for life on Earth.

    One fact is clear: if we stop meat consumption and livestock raising, we will also eliminate one of the most heat-trapping gases, which is methane.

    And since this gas disappears more quickly from the atmosphere, the planet will cool almost immediately.

    This will also address problems like the melting permafrost, which will otherwise emit more methane if nothing is done to halt it.

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    Sulfur dioxide pollution highlights methane as key to global warming - 11 Mar 2010

    With countries such as China and India now reducing pollutants containing sulfur dioxide, Dr. Frank Raes, head of the Climate Change Unit of the European Commission Joint Research Center in Italy reports that the planet is likely to heat more quickly in response.

    Sulfur dioxide, which is emitted in the processing of coal, oil and other industrial processes, has already been significantly reduced in many developed nations.

    Although it is harmful to health, sulfur aerosols create an atmospheric cooling effect that offsets the heat emitted by the CO2 released in these same processes.

    This suggests that the heat from coal, oil and industry in developing nations has played a smaller role in global warming than previously thought. Such a finding corresponds with the conclusions of Dr. Drew Shindell from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, who estimated that because of sulfur dioxide’s cooling effect, methane, which is generated primarily by activities related to meat production, is heating the atmosphere much more than previously thought.

    Our appreciation Dr. Raes and European Commission Joint Research Center fellow scientists, for this insightful finding. Let us choose the fastest way to return to health and cool the planet, namely, through the safe and Earth-friendly vegan diet.

    As mentioned on previous occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded once again during a September 2009 videoconference in South Korea that the most urgent global warming threat lies in sources other than carbon dioxide.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: If the goal is to be a truly carbon-free society, we should consider all the major sources of greenhouse gases emissions. You see, we are emitting greenhouse gases not just through the fumes from factories, houses, and cars, but also through the products that we choose to consume. Besides, CO2 is cancelled out by aerosols, which are released at the same time from burning fossil fuels.

    Even though aerosols are very detrimental to our health, they actually have a cooling effect that cancels out the CO2 heat in the atmosphere.

    So the warming climate problem is not from CO2 I repeat, it’s not from carbon dioxide. It is from other sources, mainly methane.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: First and foremost, eliminate the single largest source of human-caused methane, namely, livestock. Stop animal products, then we stop global warming.

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    Seabed methane could spell climate disaster - 27 Mar 2010

    In a new study published in the journal “Science,” a team of researchers from Russia, United States and Sweden have found that thawing permafrost is causing 8 million tons of methane to be released from the seabed of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf each year.

    This alarming amount from just one location is equivalent to the total that had been previously estimated for all the world’s oceans and causes concern that a tipping point may have already been reached.

    Lead researcher, Dr. Natalia Shakhova of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks in the USA noted that current average methane concentrations in the Arctic are already the highest in 400,000 years.

    Of equal concern is the fact that, averaged over a 20-year period, methane is 72 times more heat-trapping than CO2; however, these potentially vast permafrost methane emissions are not included in climate change prediction models.

    Dr. Shakhova and international colleagues, we are grateful for your sharing of such factually urgent observations. Let us act in accordance with their dire implications and move swiftly toward sustainable ways to save our ecosphere.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken with concern on several occasions about the risks of melting permafrost, as during a September 2009 videoconference in South Korea.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Since 2007, scientists have seen more and more evidence of methane from permafrost melt, with recent discoveries of pure methane gas bubbling up from the bottom of the Arctic lakes in both northern Canada and Russia. This situation is so alarming that

    UN Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Chairman Dr. Pachauri has referred to the potential for “abrupt, irreversible climate change” from the melting permafrost. This irreversible effect, we want to avoid at all costs, especially since it may not be as far away as we would like to think.

    The more people who eliminate meat and, indeed, all animal products from their lives, the more we have a chance to save the planet and not only that, to actually restore our earthly home to her original grace and beauty and even more so, more than what we have known, more beautiful, more abundant, more peace, more gladness than what we have known up to now.

    So please, be a part of the solution and join in first by being vegan yourself and helping to spread this message as much, as quickly as possible: Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

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    Thawing permafrost releases nitrous oxide - 15 Apr 2010

    A recent study by scientists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark has found that the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide is released as permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere thaws. Identified as the third most predominant greenhouse gas by the United Nations after carbon dioxide and methane, nitrous oxide is 310 times more warming than carbon dioxide and its release into the atmosphere creates a feedback loop that accelerates global warming.

    Previously, scientists had thought that permafrost thawing did not release nitrous oxide in large amounts, but this most recent study, conducted on core samples from Greenland, indicates that as the soil is re-saturated with melt-water, nitrous oxide production increases to 20 times it natural levels, with a third entering the atmosphere.

    University of Copenhagen scientists, we are grateful for your observations that add to our knowledge about climate change. May such awareness motivate us all to act now while we still can protect our precious planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has often expressed her concern regarding the melting of the Arctic permafrost, also urging actions to halt it, as in this July 2008 videoconference with our Association members in the US.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: And you see, if it is not cold then even all the permafrost, which is the cold hard mud layers, will be melted also, and then the gas from the permafrost also will be released. So it depends on how many people join the vegetarian diet.

    The more vegetarian people, the less killing of the animals, the more time we have to rescue the planet and the lives on the planet. So everybody has to join to into the vegetarian diet, and stop the killing, stop the harm to other people and the animals and save energies every way possible and go green wherever possible.


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    Focus on reducing short-lived methane to cool the planet faster - 16 Jun 2010

    The US-based environmental group, Clean Air Task Force (CATF) has been researching ways to decrease both air pollution and global warming, by focusing primarily on the so-called “basket” of shorter-lived climate forcers.

    According to CATF scientist Dr. Ellen Baum, reducing substances like black carbon, tropospheric ozone, and methane would be more effective in quickly cooling the planet than prioritizing carbon dioxide mitigation.

    Dr. Ellen Baum – Researcher, Clean Air Task Force, USA; Vegetarian (F): You would get both the air quality benefit and you’d get a much faster climate response from reductions than you would get by being able to cut carbon dioxide. And we don’t seem to be cutting carbon dioxide either.

    VOICE: In particular, Dr. Baum explained why a focus on reducing human-caused methane is urgently needed. Whereas carbon dioxide can take hundreds or even thousands of years to stop heating the atmosphere, methane dissipates in a small fraction of that time.

    Dr. Ellen Baum (F): Methane has a much shorter lifetime than CO2, and therefore it is something we think needs immediate attention. It’s also a precursor to tropospheric ozone, and probably one of the best ways to reduce the part of tropospheric ozone that has the most climate impact.

    VOICE: Among all global human sources of methane, the livestock industry is by far the largest at 37%, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and even more in certain countries.

    Dr. Baum, a vegetarian herself, explained the implications of removing this major source of planetary warming.

    Dr. Ellen Baum (F): If we ate no meat, it would have a beneficial effect on the climate in all sorts of ways. You would have a much smaller population of ruminant livestock, so you wouldn’t have methane emissions.

    You wouldn’t have to have the conversion of land to grazing land so that you would have beef operations. So, I don’t have any question if the whole population worldwide, 7 billion people stopped eating meat, it would make a difference.

    VOICE: Dr. Baum and Clean Air Task Force, we appreciate your efforts in calling attention to these atmospheric agents that account significantly toward global warming. May we all do our part to curb such harmful effects through the simple and humane change to meat-free fare.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently advocated a focus on eliminating short-lived greenhouse gases like methane, as during an interview published in the December 16, 2009 edition of The Irish Dog Journal.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Methane, the potent, greenhouse gas whose largest human-created source is the livestock industry, traps a hundred times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

    Until now most studies used the fact that methane is 23 times more heat trapping than CO2, over 100 years, which gives a less accurate picture about methane in its actual life span.

    Therefore, the powerful methane is actually a greater cause of the warming than previously estimated. The good news is that methane dissipates from the atmosphere in approximately 12 years, whereas it takes carbon dioxide thousands of years to disappear.

    So, if we want to make a rapid, effective difference now, we must stop the methane generation at its largest, original source: that is, the livestock industry.

  20. #40
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 35. MÔI TRƯỜNG và KHÍ HẬU THAY ĐỔI

    Short-lived greenhouse gases heating the planet - 26 Jun 2010

    As government climate efforts continue to focus on reducing carbon dioxide as a major greenhouse gas, a growing number of scientists and leaders have begun calling attention to other climate forcing agents whose warming effects are many times shorter-lived than CO2.

    Along with methane, a potent greenhouse gas primarily generated by the livestock industry whose effects can dissipate in as few as ten years, other agents have similarly have intense warming influences that could quickly be halted. Dr. Andreas Stohl from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research explains.

    Andreas Stohl (M): The short-lived climate forcers are anything that has a shorter lifetime than say, 10, 15 years, starting at methane, which has a lifetime of about 10 years. Which means that, if you reduce the emissions of these substances, then the concentrations in the atmosphere would almost immediately go down. And that means that climate impacts would also be reduced almost immediately, which we don’t get for the CO2.

    VOICE: One of the aerosols that acts as a short-lived climate forcer is black carbon, or soot. Soot is released through the incomplete combustion of burning substances such as biofuels, fields, or forests.

    The black air-borne particles absorb solar radiation both while in the atmosphere and after being deposited on snow or ice, resulting in regional warming.

    Andreas Stohl (M): It darkens the snow surface and then the snow starts absorbing more solar radiation, and that means that the snow is probably melting away quicker in the spring. And if it’s a glacier, then it could also cause additional melting.

    VOICE: We thank Dr. Stohl and all scientists and governments for your consideration of this significant warming source. Let us join in acting now to address such short-lived agents as black carbon and methane to bring swift and necessary planetary cooling. Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently urged for the most effective actions in halting climate change, as during an interview published in the December 16, 2009 edition of The Irish Dog Journal.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : The powerful methane is actually a greater cause of the warming than previously estimated. The good news is that methane dissipates from the atmosphere in approximately 12 years, whereas it takes carbon dioxide thousands of years to disappear.

    So, if we want to make a rapid, effective difference now, we must stop the methane generation at its largest, original source: that is, the livestock industry. The livestock sector is the top driving force behind rainforest destruction. Forest burning for making pasture is also a major source of black carbon, which is soot, particles capable of trapping 2,000 times more heat than CO2.

    The super hot particles end up on the world’s ice caps and accelerate their melting. I pray that our world’s leaders will take swift actions to ban the destructive meat production and, instead, use subsidies for organic vegan farming which helps absorb emissions. Then, we can have an immediate effect on climate change and have more time to develop and perfect our green technology to address CO2.

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