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  1. #21
    Moderator Nhím Hoàng Kim's Avatar
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    Default 19. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Organic farming on the rise in Peru - 13 Sep 2009

    According to an announcement made this past week by Peru’s Minister of Agriculture, Adolfo De Cordova, approximately 33,000 farmers currently practice organic growing methods.

    With 273,000 hectares certified thus far for organic growing nationwide, the Ministry of Agriculture is also providing technical support to nearly 10,000 growers.

    This trend supports a previous decision made by some regional governments to ban genetically modified crops and support organic growing instead.

    Thousands of varieties of foods such as potatoes have thus been protected along with people's health and the country’s ancient culture.

    A green salute, Minister De Cordova, all organic growers and Peru for your noble leadership in this sustainable practice. Wishing similar measures for all governments to bring the highest benefit of nutritious fruits and vegetables to people worldwide.

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  2. #22
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    Default 20. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    US town goes veg organic for the environment - 25 Dec 2009

    Signal Mountain, a town in Tennessee, USA has passed a Green Food Resolution, which is intended to encourage organic food grown from local farms along with sustainable plant-based diets.

    Launched by Council member Paul Hendricks, the initiative was unanimously passed by the five-member Signal Mountain Council. To attain the goals of locally produced plant-based fare, the resolution also promotes farmers’ markets, community gardens and other venues that provide more organic produce options.

    The US-based organization Farm Sanctuary, which has already been campaigning for awareness of the harms of animal factory farming, is encouraging such Green Food Resolutions to be passed in various cities across the United States.

    A big bravo and many thanks Signal Mountain Council members, residents and Farm Sanctuary for your support of this wise and healthy initiative. May such a sustainable veg trend extend throughout your community and across the globe.

    As a long-time proponent of organic vegan agriculture, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently explained its immense Earth-saving and other values, as during a February 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish that all the governments in the world would encourage organic farming to save our world.If the governments lead the way with the message that this is how to be green, and how to protect the planet, then the farmers would be happy to grow more vegan food. To spread the practice of organic farming would help in so many ways.

    The benefit of organic farming for human livelihood, for human health, and for animals’ health, natural resources and protection of our planet, all these benefits we cannot even estimate all in here. Organic farming not only helps to protect the planet, it will even help to eliminate hunger. So, I just suggest organic vegan

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    Default CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ


    Organic : The Future of Farming

  10. #30
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    Default 10. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Changes in agriculture can protect the world’s biodiversity - 6 Jun 2010

    According to Puerto Rican ecology and natural resources professor Dr. Ivette Perfecto from the University of Michigan, farmers could benefit while helping to save the planet from turning to organic farming and agroecology, or working along nature’s principles to produce food.

    In her research, Dr. Perfecto observed that large crop agricultural landscapes, such as coffee farms in Costa Rica, are able to host diverse and healthy wildlife. In contrast, isolated patches of rainforest or nature preserves are not able to sustain even the reduced number of species living there.

    Her studies concluded that small-scale farmers and their organic or agroecological methods, the latter of which minimize the use of fertilizers and do not use pesticides, could therefore protect biodiversity – with farmers benefiting from greater yields.

    She stated, 『A variety of studies have shown convincingly that organic agriculture is at least as productive as industrial agriculture, and according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) data, the smaller the farm the more productivity.

    In other words, if you want to increase production the most efficient way to do so is to break up the mega farms, distribute the land to small-scale farmers and provide training in agroecology.』 Dr. Perfecto recently co-authored a book on the solution titled, 『Nature’s Matrix: Linking Agriculture, Conservation and Food Sovereignty』 in which she cites the rapid deforestation of the Amazon rainforest in emphasizing the need to shift toward small-scale organic farming.

    According to related research by Dr. Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute, the Amazon is being cleared both by cattle ranching and soybean farming, with soybean crops for cattle feed causing both crop fields and grazing lands to extend even deeper into the forest.

    Dr. Brown states that the key to protecting the rainforest’s biodiversity is to decrease consumers’ demand for meat products and their associated soy crops.

    Our appreciation, Dr. Perfecto, for these insights into a more efficient and sustainable agriculture sector, as we thank Dr. Brown for addressing the issue’s root cause.

    Let us step in awareness to nourish the world through the most eco-conscious and plentiful method of organic vegan farming. As in an interview published in the September 2009 edition of The House Magazine, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently highlighted the transformation of our agricultural system that would return balance to our imperiled planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are so many benefits from organic vegan farming, as well as many benefiting parties. First, for the farmers, organic vegan farming is productive, saving 37% more energy and even more water than conventional farming methods.

    Wildlife and ecosystems also win. According to the largest study done on organic farming in the UK compared to conventional farms, organic farms contained 85% more plant species, with 71% taller and thicker hedges, and a healthy return of native animals across the species.

    Organic soil matter also absorbs CO2 so effectively that the Rodale Institute calls organic vegan farming a powerful strategy to reduce global warming, by up to 40% of all CO2 emissions now in the atmosphere.

    The government can support this organic vegan farming through subsidies. They can also redirect the funds away from the meat industry and instead toward encouraging citizens to plant, to buy and to choose organic vegan food. And when they do, we will soon have a lot of healthy, happy, productive people, a restored green environment, and minimum climate mitigation costs – something all governments can look forward to and gain the enthusiastic support of all citizens.

  11. #31
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    Former law offenders from Nairobi, Kenya turn their lives around with organic farming. - 29 Apr 2011

    In 2008, about 40 of the men cleared a refuse [garbage] site in the neighborhood of Kibera.
    Later they brought in new soil to be able to begin organic vegetable cultivation on the 1.2 acres of land. A greenhouse was set up in 2010.

    Currently, a dozen crates of tomatoes and other vegetables are produced daily and sold at reasonable prices. The farm is managed by Youth Reform, a local organization for young people. In the next five years, the group plans to help other communities to set up the same type of organic vegetable growing project. Bravo, Youth Reform, and all those participating in this laudable green program.

    We wish you much success and many more abundant harvests in your wonderful sustainable endeavor.

  12. #32
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    Default 13. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    A South African woman helps transform neighborhoods through organic gardening. - 12 May 2011

    Sixty-three-year-old grandmother and farmer Ms. Christina Kaba, with the support of local women, has established 28 community gardens in Khayelitsha, one of Cape Town’s largest townships. Organically-grown vegetables from these and other neighborhood gardens are combined to create individual boxes for the Harvest of Hope Program.

    Since 2008, the market in Cape Town for the produce has grown from 80 to 600 orders weekly. This in turn has led to an increase in job opportunities.

    A big green salute, Ms. Christina Kaba and Harvest of Hope, for your Earth-loving efforts. May your organic offerings provide nourishing sustenance to many beautiful children of God.

  13. #33
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    Default 14. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Australian scientists find that crop yield is improved by the presence of ants and termites in dry soil. - 14 May 2011

    A field study by researchers of the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and University of Sydney in an arid area of Western Australia showed a 36% increase of wheat crop yield when pesticides were not applied.

    The better harvest is attributed to the enhanced water absorption enabled by ant tunnels and better soil nitrogen levels which the termites facilitate.

    Kudos, Australian scientists, on your significant discovery. May organic agriculture be adopted by all for a flourishing ecosphere.

  14. #34
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    Default 15. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Peru bans genetically modified (GM) crops - 23 Jul 2011

    The country’s Plenary Session of the Congress has put into effect an initial 10-year prohibition on the use of GM organisms. President of Peru’s Agrarian Commission, Mr. Aníbal Ovidio Huerta Díaz, expressed the need to prevent potential dangers from biotechnology.

    Other Members of Congress stated their support of agricultural biodiversity.

    Congratulations, Peru, on this significant step. May organic crops flourish, providing delicious and healthy plant-based sustenance to the nature-loving people of your nation.

  15. #35
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    Default 16. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Consuming grapes helps protect skin cells against skin cancer - 15 Aug 2011

    A study by Spanish scientists, published in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, finds that consuming grapes, which contain a substance known as flavonoids, helps protect skin cells from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation during sun exposure.

  16. #36
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    Default 17. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    The Dominican Republic demonstrates increasing success in organic farming - 9 Nov 2011

    The nation exports US$200 million per year in organic fruits and vegetables, with over 24.1 million hectares dedicated to these sustainable growing methods.

    Organic production in the country increases 25% to 30% annually. Bananas and cocoa, the largest crops, as well as coffee, lemons, avocados, oranges and vegetables are harvested by more than 23 million small, medium and large certified organic producers.

    Our hats off to you, the Dominican Republic, for your flourishing organic market. May Heaven grace you with continued green abundance.

  17. #37
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    Default 18. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Organic methods bring abundant harvests to a farmer in India - 10 Nov 2011

    Mr. T. Sampath Kumar of Chikkakallahalli in Karnataka has grown bananas, tomatoes, sunflowers, pigeon peas, finger millet, and mulberry for more than four years on his approximately six acres of land.

    In addition he has started mango, drumstick tree, and sweet potato, reports the Deccan Herald of India. With his natural methods, Mr. Kumar’s first crop of bananas was 30 tons.

    Moreover, to water efficiently, he uses drip irrigation and prevents moisture loss by covering soil with a blanket of waste sticks and branches. Mr. Kumar said his methods have improved the fertility and quality of the soil.

    Our accolades and appreciation, Mr. T. Sampath Kumar, for your wonderful example of the numerous benefits of organic practices. May many be encouraged by your success to start eco-friendly farms and gardens for flourishing fruits and vegetables and a healthier planet.

  18. #38
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    Default 19. CANH NÔNG HỮU CƠ

    Spanish-funded project helps Hoa Binh in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) develop organic farm - 10 Nov 2011

    Thanks to a donation from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation,an organic agriculture cooperative launches in Hòa Bình Province’s Lương Sơn District in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to connect farmers, scientists, businesses, and the government in developing safe and nutritious produce.

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