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  1. #61
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    Kuwait’s natural desert being damaged by excessive livestock grazing - 25 Jan 2010

    The chairman of the Ornithological Society of Kuwait, Abdel Rahman Al-Serhan, has issued a statement saying that the non-human-inhabited regions of Kuwait are being destroyed by deforestation and livestock.

    He warned that if people continue to exploit the unregulated lands with animal grazing, the diverse wildlife and plants of Kuwait will suffer more and face extinction.

    Calling for the media to help raise public awareness, the chairman stated that laws should be implemented to protect habitats so that the flora and fauna can be restored. Studies conducted by the United Nations Security Council, Kuwait University and others have also highlighted livestock grazing as one of the main causes of Kuwait’s damaged lands and depleted desert vegetation.Our sincere appreciation, Chairman Al-Serhan, the Ornithological Society and all other organizations and scientists for your concerned voice on behalf of the animals and plants that are in danger.

    May we heed such calls to action so that the natural beauty of Kuwait and all lands still exist for future generations to appreciate. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often cautioned of the livestock industry’s costs to both humanity and the planet, as in an October 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now, one-third of the entire Earth’s land surface is used either for grazing animals or growing feed for the animals, not for humans. We humans use very little of this agriculture section. This is a devastating way to make a cheap profit at the cost of our planet’s and our people’s survival.

    We are eating our planet by consuming meat.

    So, without the needless animal industry, not only will we gain forests, we can also have organic vegan farmlands to grow real, decent food for humans, and like the forests, these farmlands can also absorb a lot of heat, a lot of heat from the atmosphere.

  2. #62
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    New York Times reports on being veg to save the planet - 30 Jan 2010

    Since the December 2009 international climate change summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, discussions continue to address the evermore pressing matter of halting global warming. In an article published in the New York Times on January 24 entitled, “Stop Eating Meat and Save the Planet” author James Kanter acknowledged the growing number of people raising awareness of the vegan diet as a solution to global warming, including members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

    He wrote: “Delegates arriving at the gates of the climate conference in Copenhagen last month were met by women in furry animal suits holding placards showing pictures of lambs, cows and pigs, warning, “Don’t Eat Me.” The women were representatives of [Supreme Master] Ching Hai, the leader of a group that advocates adherence to… precepts, including following vegan… diets.

    As they lined up for hours in freezing conditions, many of the delegates seemed grateful for the neatly wrapped snacks — meat-free sandwiches — that the women were handing out free[ly]. Followers of [Supreme Master] Ching Hai say that one of her principal goals is to fight environmental disasters, and her representatives in Copenhagen … spread the message that methane, which is belched in large quantities by cows and other livestock raised for the meat and dairy industries, is among the most potent planet-warming gases.”

    VOICE: Mr. Kanter went on to state that being veg to halt climate change goes beyond being a spiritual matter as he cited others who have also identified the livestock industry as a primary cause of global warming.

    These include former Beatles member Sir Paul McCartney and chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, along with international campaigns like Meat Free Mondays as well as a recent World Watch Institute report showing that over half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions arise from the meat industry.

    We thank James Kanter and the New York Times for helping inform society about this urgent matter of our times. With such awareness being brought to the attention of the public, surely we all can swiftly and conscientiously transition to the Earth-saving vegan lifestyle.

    Speaking at a September 2009 videoconference in South Korea, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the media’s potential to engage in such noble endeavors as bringing more awareness of issues like global warming.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is exactly the role the media should have, like that of a true, honest friend to human society: warning everyone of any harmful situation; bringing new connections and data to light, like the urgent link between meat and global warming; giving chances for people to choose a better way of life; and being a brave voice, a heroic voice especially for the voiceless, including animals who suffer so much, so much, because we are all related and affected.

    The world needs the media’s noble service and leadership. So please, again, once more I ask all the courageous journalists to do what you do best, tell the truth about how we are to save the planet.
    Please,tell as many people as you can through your profession and otherwise to be veg, to do good, and be good, and save our planet. Be the fine example for the world.

  3. #63
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    International media, CCTV reports on “Eating for a low-carbon world.” - 1 Feb 2010

    On China Central Television (CCTV-9), news journalist Wang Mangmang is host of a program series called “My Low Carbon Life” and reported recently how being veg is catching on in China as a way to curb climate change.

    She went on to say that this trend is actually being set by the younger generation. Dong Ziyang, manager of the organic vegetarian Jintai Catering Club said, “The average age of our customers is under 33 years old...

    Young people are more environmentally aware and more open to new ideas.” The journalist also cited the United Nations report on animal agriculture generating more greenhouse gases than all the transportation in the world combined, and concerns about livestock being the cause of environmental desertification and deforestation.

    She stated, “As more and more people strive for a low-carbon lifestyle, the climate-diet equation is becoming more prominent.”

    Our appreciation and applause, journalist Wang Mangmang and CCTV for sharing the eco-statement being made by the low-carbon diet.

    Blessed be such programs as yours in benefiting many viewers as well as the animals and our Earth. Speaking during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai highlighted the key role of the younger generation in being good stewards for the environment.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I’m happy to see young people especially involved in endeavors like this, which contributes to human health and also the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: They are also often the most open-minded people. They are intelligent, they are easy, they are an impressionable and honest group of people.

    Once they make a connection of global warming to their lives, they may really decide to do something.

    Especially if they understand that what they do can truly make a difference, they may be the first ones to take action.

    They can be true heroes, by being vegan and spread the news of this solution. They can save lives, including their own, but also of people all over the world, and countless animal lives around the world.

    The young people are oftentimes the most ready to change their lifestyle if they see a reason for it. Their age group is also, in many cases, the first one to see that veganism is good, it is correct.

  4. #64
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    Bremen introduces “Veggie Thursday.” - 5 Feb 2010

    The picturesque city in northwest Germany has become the first municipality to introduce a weekly Veggie Day. The campaign has taken its cues from the success of a similar program in Gent, Belgium where schools, restaurants and citizens are all participating.

    The German “Veggie Thursday” initiative has received the endorsement of Bremen’s mayor, Mr. Jens Böhrnsen; its environmental chief, Dr. Reinhard Loske and a broad-base of consumer and environmental groups.

    Along with its health benefits, campaign organizers state that if 550,000 Bremen citizens stop eating meat for just 52 days in the year, they can prevent the CO2 emissions of 40,000 cars.

    Bravo, “Veggie Thursday” organizers and Bremen citizens on your adoption of this wholesome trend! Surely such noble examples as yours will continue to spread, with more and more communities joining in the life-saving veg lifestyle.〈=en

  5. #65
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    Reducing meat consumption better than changing livestock feed and practices - 6 Feb 2010

    In evaluating options such as emission abatement plans that would reduce livestock greenhouse gases by providing different food sources for the animals and using manure for fuel, scientists have found that these methods provide minimal benefit and in fact could create larger problems of both food quality and ethics.

    Moreover, a decade-long study by New Zealand’s AgResearch concluded that such alternatives only reduce emissions by a few percent. Moreover, UK Food Ethics Council Executive Director Tom MacMillan has raised similar concerns, emphasizing the importance of reducing meat and dairy consumption to significantly minimize livestock emissions.

    Mr. West, Mr. MacMillan, New Zealand AgResearch and UK Food Ethics Council, many thanks for your insightful findings. We look forward to people everywhere supporting the environment through the ultimately sustainable plant-based fare.

  6. #66
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    Reducing meat consumption a sure way to alleviate climate change - 7 Feb 2010

    Speaking of the United Kingdom’s already established emission goals during a February 3 conference, Soil Association Policy Director Lord Peter Melchett said that these will be met only if consumers reduce their intake of pork and poultry alone by at least 75%.

    Lord Melchett stated, “It's ludicrous … not to talk about consumption when we're talking about environmental sustainability.” Meanwhile, he also highlighted the benefits of organic farming, saying that a recently conducted study found that if all the farmland in the nation went organic, the soil could absorb 3.2 million tons of carbon, or the equivalent of removing nearly 1 million cars from the road.

    Our appreciation, Lord Melchett and Soil Association, for your encouragement of the transition to meat-free, organic living. May we soon herald a vegan world for the vibrant stability of our precious Earth.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently advocated organic vegan farming and adoption of the same planet-cooling diet, as highlighted in an October 2009 climate change conference in Formosa (Taiwan).

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Without the needless animal industry, not only will we gain forests, we can also have organic vegan farmlands to grow real, decent food for humans, and like the forests, these farmlands can also absorb a lot of heat from the atmosphere.

    And a global shift to organic vegan practices could mean 40% of all greenhouse gases absorbed as well, apart from the 50 plus percent that we eliminate through the terminating of the animals raising practice.

    World governments could save tens of trillions of US dollars, tens of trillions of US dollars if everyone be veg and plant organic. So you see, 50% less from no more animal industry, 40% less carbon dioxide from organic farming, then we will be singing, our world will be saved.

  7. #67
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    Veg trend on the rise in Australia - 11 Feb 2010

    Just weeks after the country launched Meatless Mondays, a campaign encouraging at least one meat-free meal a week, Sydney’s famed Bondi Beach was the site of the country’s biggest vegetarian barbecue for the recent celebration of Australia Day.

    Sponsored by Fry’s Vegetarian brand and hosted by spokesperson and Australian comedian Simon Kennovich, the veg event raised funds for the Bondi Surf Life Saving Club while advocating a healthy, environmentally friendly lifestyle.

    Supreme Master Television’s correspondent reports.

    Australian Correspondent (F): We’re here on Australia’s famous Bondi Beach at Australia’s biggest vegetarian barbeque where Simon Kennovich is telling Australians not to eat lamb on Australia Day but to instead try a Fry’s burger and to try being veg for the planet and for our beautiful Australia.

    Simon Kennovich – Comedian (M): Hallo everyone, people of the world. Come to Australia. Get down here, have a vegetarian barbeque with us. We’ll all have a good time.

    VOICE: Served fresh off the grill were vegan alternatives to the meat often eaten on holidays, with a crowd of people showing their interest in tasting more.

    Attendee/Citizen (M): It’s good.

    Attendee (M): Mouth-watering, really.

    VOICE: The barbeque also raised awareness on vital veg benefits for one’s health and the planet.

    Volunteer (F): That’s obviously helping with the cutting down of methane gases that are produced by animals. And also just having a different protein source, it’s a great way of benefiting your diet.

    Attendee (M): Anyone that loves this planet and loves the blue sky and the conditions we have at the moment really should get behind a vegetarian diet for the planet. If we get enough people behind this, we could change this global warming phenomenon.

    VOICE: Many thanks, Fry’s Vegetarian, Simon Kennovich and Bondi Beach for your celebration and support of the Earth-protecting plant-based diet. May the compassionate lifestyle soon be adopted by all countries for a vibrantly sustainable world.

  8. #68
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    Urban dwellers’ meat consumption among the factors of increasing deforestation - 18 Feb 2010

    In a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, US-based lead author Dr. Ruth DeFries discovered that along with an increased move to cities has been a rise in the clearing of forests.

    This observation reverses previously held beliefs that fast-growing urbanization and technological efficiencies might slow or even reverse such deforestation.

    Moreover, the research found that the trees’ decline is due in part to the tendency of city-dwellers to eat more animal products and processed foods.

    Dr. DeFries stated, “One line of thinking was that concentrating people in cities would leave a lot more room for nature. But those people in cities and the rest of the world need to be fed.

    That creates a demand for industrial-scale clearing.” Some of the nations most affected by the immense land clearing needed for livestock and related products include Brazil, Paraguay, Indonesia and Cambodia.

    Related research has found that in Brazil alone, more than 80% of the deforested regions are occupied by cattle or crops grown for animal feed.

    Our sincere appreciation, Dr. DeFries and colleagues, for your work in documenting further the immense eco-damage created by meat consumption.

    May such findings hasten our actions toward life-giving plant-based fare to save our Earth.

    Highlighting as on previous occasions the preciousness of our planet’s biodiversity, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed once more the need to halt the destructive tolls of the livestock industry during an October 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now, one-third of the entire Earth’s land surface is used either for grazing animals or growing feed for the animals, not for humans. We humans use very little of this agriculture section.

    This is a devastating way to make a cheap profit at the cost of our planet’s and our people’s survival. We are eating our planet by consuming meat. So, without the needless animal industry, not only will we gain forests, we can also have organic vegan farmlands to grow real, decent food for humans, and like the forests, these farmlands can also absorb a lot of heat, a lot of heat from the atmosphere.

    And a global shift to organic vegan practices could mean 40% of all greenhouse gases absorbed as well, apart from the 50 plus percent that we eliminate through the terminating of the animals raising practice.

  9. #69
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    UN recommends tax on livestock - 23 Feb 2010

    A report issued by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommends levying fees for livestock as a way to reduce this sector’s emission of greenhouse gases, currently estimated at 7,000 billion tons of CO2 equivalent annually.

    Moreover, livestock raising is known to impact not only human health but also causes enormous damage to ecosystems, biodiversity, land, forests and water quality.

    “The State of Food and Agriculture” report thus calls for market-based policies such as taxes and subsidy reductions that would cause producers to minimize environmental damage by being required to absorb its costs.

    FAO Director-general Jacques Diouf stated that the rapid growth of the livestock sector has unfortunately thus far had little oversight, with current estimates forecasting that without a change in course, the number of livestock cattle alone will increase 70% to 2.6 billion by mid-century.

    Director-general Diouf and United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, we laud your recommendations for such planet-protecting policies. May governments across the globe be motivated to implement measures as these for the benefit of all the Earth’s inhabitants. During an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of this very subject, calling on world leaders to forego livestock raising as a way to save the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: I hope the governments would please make it into law to forbid the killing of animals, to forbid any more animal livestock raising. If they are truly the leaders that pledge to protect their people, to improve their country in many aspects, then this is the first step we have to do. Stop the meat industry, stop the fish industry, stop the dairy industry, then our planet will be the way it was and even better.

    There are only two ways to do things in our world - the correct way and the incorrect way. And right now, to save the planet, there is only one way to stop the cause - that is, the animal industry, by all means, in all aspects. We have to do it.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Spread information, encourage everyone, inform everyone to be vegan.

  10. #70
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    Media report : Irish celebrity spreads veg solution with Supreme Master Television - 25 Feb 2010

    Recently in the Environmental Data Interactive Exchange, or, Europe’s largest environmental website that has become a main news source for environmental professionals, journalist Luke Walsh wrote about Irish top model and Miss World 2003 Rosanna Davison’s recent campaign to promote the vegan diet.

    Titled “Former Miss World backs veganism for climate change,” the article stated: “Rosanna Davison is fronting the campaign for Supreme Master Television, featured on TV3 in Ireland, on buses and the Luas – Dublin's light rail tram system.

    The campaign is aimed at encouraging people to re-think their attitudes to animal treatment generally and to eating meat in particular, due to its carbon footprint.”

    Ms. Davison, daughter of the world-famous Irish singer-songwriter Chris de Burgh, had been a vegetarian since childhood. She decided to be vegan after working with Supreme Master Television and learning about how only a pure veg diet could most effectively stop animal cruelty while sustaining personal and planetary health.

    Edie news cited Ms. Davison as saying: “Watching the effect meat production and meat consumption is having on the world around us in terms of cruelty, emissions and health issues, I was determined to totally cut out dairy, eggs and cheese and have a completely vegan diet. It's going well so far and I feel great.

    I've loads of energy and just feel so much more invigorated as a result.”

    Many thanks, Mr. Luke Walsh and Environmental Data Interactive Exchange, for your articles that inform readers about global warming’s most effective solution. We also extend our appreciation to you, Ms. Rosanna Davison, for your noble initiative as a beloved role model. May all of Ireland and the world join in preserving our planet with the smart, rejuvenating, and lifesaving vegan diet.

  11. #71
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    New low-carbon program in China includes reducing meat - 20 Mar 2010

    Three Chinese governmental organizations – the China Women's Federation, the Central Civilization Office, and the National Development and Reform Commission have jointly organized a series of events with the theme, “Low Carbon Family Lifestyle.” A range of activities are being carried out nationwide to encourage families toward more environmentally conscious lifestyles, with a set of 15 recommendations presented for eco-living that includes conservation practices, planting at home and reducing meat consumption.

    Our green salute China Women's Federation, the Central Civilization Office, and the National Development and Reform Commission for your collaborative efforts to promote sustainable living. May the people of China flourish in the compassion of Earth-harmonious ways.

  12. #72
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    Award-winning TV legal expert makes the case for vegan solution to climate change - 27 Mar 2010

    As a longtime host for her own national live talk show on “Court TV,” Lisa Bloom now serves as a legal analyst for the major television networks CNN and CBS News.

    Admired for her insights, unbiased interviews and direct manner of speech, Ms. Bloom appears daily as a legal expert or guest host on multiple television and radio programs, including “The Dr. Phil Show,” “Larry King Live,” “Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell,” and “The Early Show.” Ms. Bloom has also become a champion of justice for the defenseless such as children, and she is also a committed vegan and animal lover.

    On March 23, she attended a book signing event for “Gristle,” which describes the harms of intensive livestock raising and is co-edited by multi-award winning vegan musician Moby.

    Affirming her support of the book’s message about the animal suffering caused by meat consumption, Ms. Bloom also articulated her firm stance on climate change and its largest cause, factory farming.

    Lisa Bloom – Award-winning CNN and CBS TV news network legal analyst, Vegan (F): I’m a lifelong vegetarian and I’m a vegan now. And you know, there’s no question that the number one contributor to climate change is livestock production – in fact, more than all of the cars, planes, trains and boats in the world contribute to climate change.

    And climate change is the biggest threat to my children’s generation. It’s probably going to be the biggest humanitarian crisis in world history. So I think we all have a moral imperative to do whatever we can to stop it. And the quickest way to make an effect is to immediately start on a vegan diet.

    It also happens to be delicious and good for your health, so it’s a win-win. But you know, the methane gas that cows produce, which is a big contributor to climate change will very quickly disappear from the atmosphere if we stop producing livestock, versus the CO2 that stays in the atmosphere for a very long time, so it just makes sense on so many levels to stop eating meat, to stop eating any kind of dairy products or eggs, from a climate change point of view, to reduce animal suffering, and also for human health.

    VOICE: Well said, Lisa Bloom! Our admiring salute and appreciation for your honesty, courage, and dedication in discussing this most important issue of our time. Through clear voices such as yours, may there soon be justice for all beings in a humane and loving world.

    Lisa Bloom (F): I’m Lisa Bloom from CNN. I’m a legal analyst from CNN and CBS News. Be veg, go green, save the planet!

  13. #73
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    Stop eating fish to help the planet - 5 Apr 2010

    In India, the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is urging the public to go vegan and especially stop eating fish to help animals and the planet.

    Senior coordinator for the campaign, Mr. Nikunj Sharma explained the results of a year-long study confirming that the practice of bottom trawling is one of the most ecologically damaging and unsustainable ever as it involves dragging huge, heavy nets along the sea floor, which in turn empty the waters of all life.

    Mr. Sharma also highlighted fish as a health risk, being a major source of mercury and other damaging chemicals. Our sincere thanks Mr. Sharma and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in sharing the message of the connecting our dietary choices to the health of our planet.

    Let us step together in choosing the vital plant-based fare to save the lives of marine and all fellow co-inhabitants.

    In an October 2009 videoconference in Indonesia, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again emphasized the importance of not consuming any animal products, including fish, if we wish to sustain ourselves and the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : “Meat production” also means fishing. After billions of these underwater animals have been snatched from their homes and killed en masse, our oceans are now gravely imbalanced.

    Stopping meat and dairy consumption and fishing, all the animal products – is the fastest and most effective way to cool our planet and halt these dangerous changes.

    And now that we also understand the immeasurable benefits for the organic vegan diet, which offers not only better personal health, but literally can save the entire planet, the entire world.

    So, please join us, and become part of the trend to save our world.

  14. #74
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    Livestock feed increases ground ozone levels - 8 May 2010

    Researchers at the University of California-Davis in the USA conducted a study to discover why tropospheric, or ground ozone levels are as high in California’s rural central valley region as they are in densely populated cities.

    To find this source of ozone, which is normally associated with vehicles and industry as the world’s third-most prevalent greenhouse gas, the researchers in this rural area analyzed emissions from seven different types of livestock feed. They concluded that not only is fermented animal feed generating the harmful ozone gases, it is doing so at regional levels higher than those emitted by cars.

    With related research finding that tropospheric ozone levels are increased in the presence of methane, whose single largest human source is livestock, scientists have noted that reducing meat consumption would decrease these detrimental ozone levels, while naturally removing fermented feed as a source as well.

    Our appreciation, University of California-Davis scientists, for helping further clarify the key role of the livestock industry in global warming. May such findings awaken many to the eco-importance of adopting the humane and conscientious plant-based diet.

    During an interview published in the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent, Supreme Master Ching Hai, as on several previous occasions, spoke of the meat industry’s grave tolls while offering the quickest, most effective a solution to global warming.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: Reducing these more potent and shorter lifespan gases, like methane, for example, will bring a faster cooling than CO2 reduction. Besides, these will also in turn reduce CO2 as well, as a consequence.

    Livestock is the single largest emitter of methane. Moreover, because of methane’s faster disappearance from the atmosphere, if we stop eating meat the planet will be able to cool immediately – almost, yes. Livestock raising and animal breeding also cause many other damages to our planet.

    Livestock, by far, is the single largest human-related occupier of land, the main driver of deforestation, the biggest water polluter, and top culprit of biodiversity loss. And that’s just to name a few of the damages caused by livestock.

    So, this pollutant is yet another damaging byproduct of the meat industry again. We will destroy the world if we do not stop eating and producing meat and other animal products.
    So, the organic vegan diet is the fastest, easiest, and most effective solution for a life-sustaining planet.

  15. #75
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    Portland, Oregon, USA leads the way in veg sustainability - 10 May 2010

    The city of Portland has long been upheld as a role model in environmental policies in areas from energy-efficient buildings to food and agriculture.

    Steve Cohen – Manager, Food Policy and Programs, Portland, Oregon’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, USA, Vegetarian (M): We were the first city to actually have a climate change plan way back in 1993 and we just updated that plan last year in 2009.

    VOICE: Portland’s citizens also say that sustainability is a known part of their culture.

    Leslie Pol-kosbau – Representative, Portland Parks & Recreation Community Garden Program (F): I represent Portland Parks & Recreation’s Community Garden Program, providing community garden spaces in the city for 35 years. The citizens of Portland wanted us to start a program that would allow them to use land so that they could do that year-round.

    VOICE: Mr. Steve Cohen, manager of the Food Policy and Programs of Portland, Oregon’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, is the first US city government official with the title. The creation of his position reflects how the city is also at the forefront of addressing food policy in relation to environmental protection and climate change.

    The City Hall recently held a public “Climate and Food Choices Discussion” with Mr. Cohen and author Anna Lappé of the bestselling book, “Diet for a Hot Planet” to seek ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food. This was followed by a community vegetable garden re-dedication activity, led by Mr. Cohen, who is also a long-time vegetarian.

    Steve Cohen (M): I read Francis Moore Lappé’s book in 1972, “Diet for a Small Planet,” and it just made total sense to me. That we’ve got these animals out there that are actually food factories in reverse, putting all this grain in them and you get one pound back for 20 that you put in. Didn’t make sense, and I became a vegetarian and that was it.

    VOICE: With the veg diet known to be a key solution to climate change, Portland City also has a head start, with 35 community vegetable gardens and ranking as America’s #1 Best Vegetarian-Friendly Large City by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

    Moreover, in April 2010, The Oregonian, the largest newspaper in both Portland and the Pacific Northwest region of the USA, launched a twice-monthly column on called “Going Vegan,” which features recipes and other tips on enjoying a vegan lifestyle in Portland.

    Bravo Portland and thank you Mr. Cohen, the city government and co-citizens for your leadership in the area of food and the environment.

    May yours and other cities worldwide help continue the veg trend for truly sustainable lifestyles. In a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged all world governments toward leading roles in the needed shift to veganism to save the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: The governments have the power to make this urgent transition to the organic vegan diet. First, they should ban all animal products, informing people about the facts of animal products, explaining that because it’s poisoning their co-citizens and piling up far more costs than
    any gains, economically and environmentally, and because it’s eating up our planet.

    Next, the governments can help the agriculture sector transition to being an organic vegan sector First, it will help the world be veg easily, thus eliminating more than half of the greenhouse gas emissions which are heating up our planet and endangering our lives; and second, the high-quality organic soil will absorb much of the rest of the greenhouse gas emissions and it will also help to save our planet.

    According to respected Dutch scientists, tens of trillions of US dollars can be saved by world governments if all the world becomes vegan. In addition, the governments of the world have the power to make the veg trend an exciting movement for everyone toward a healthier lifestyle.

  16. #76
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    French National Assembly presented with veg solution - 25 May 2010

    French Parliamentarians and other dignitaries were treated on May 19 to a vegetarian buffet and informational seminar. The event was hosted by a consortium of individuals and veg organizations sponsoring the website (, which is calling for a moratorium on factory farming and a reduction in the animal product consumption, with support from Parliament member Yves Cochet, journalist Yolain de la Bigne and author and actor Laurent Baffie and many others.

    Besides the delicious repast, the guests had the opportunity to learn about the adverse health and environmental impacts of meat-eating along with the benefits of veg fare.

    As stated by Senate member Jacques Muller, "Less meat is more health, more for the environment and more for international solidarity."

    Parliament member Cochet added, “We need to bring awareness to the government about the possibility of an amendment in the law that would establish a vegetarian day per week."

    Paris is already home to a number of other initiatives promoting plant-based cuisine including school cafeterias that serve a purely vegetarian menu one day each week.

    Bravo, sponsors, Parliament members Cochet and Muller, journalist de la Bigne and Mr. Laurent Baffie for your efforts to foster both greater humanity and health.

    May the lovely people of France, and beyond, be graced with the manifold health and eco-benefits of wholesome vegan fare.

  17. #77
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    Default 64. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    United Nations and European Commission call for shift toward vegan diet to save the Earth - 5 Jun 2010

    The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the European Commission have jointly launched a major report calling for radical change in the way that economies use resources known to be dwindling at alarming rates, in order to minimize environmental impact.

    The study, titled “Assessing Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production: Priority Products and Materials,” identified two leading causes of environmental pressure: fossil fuels and agriculture, with specific attention given to the livestock raising sector.

    Authored by researchers from the UNEP-hosted International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, the report states: “Agriculture and food consumption are identified as one of the most important drivers of environmental pressures, especially habitat change, climate change, water use and toxic emissions.”

    The report further explains that with a growing global population and developing economies, the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation will be even more dangerous – unless patterns of production and consumption, especially starting at home, become more sustainable.

    Particularly highlighted is the fact that an unsustainably large proportion of the world’s crops are currently fed to livestock, resulting in such damaging effects as excessively high water consumption and toxic use of pesticides and fertilizers, with the report saying that a global drop in meat consumption is vital to avoid devastating consequences.

    The authors state: “A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.”

    UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner further highlighted the destructive role of livestock, stating, “Two broad areas are currently having a disproportionately high impact on people and the planet's life support systems—these are energy in the form of fossil fuels and agriculture, especially the raising of livestock for meat and dairy products…Some tough choices are signaled in this report, but it may prove even more challenging for everyone if the current paths continue into the coming decades.”

    The report, which will be presented to world governments, urges policy makers to adopt strict but creative measures to avoid these adverse consequences.

    Our appreciation, Executive Director Steiner, United Nations Environment Program, European Commission and International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management scientists for your leadership in stating the need to prioritize a widespread shift to a diet free of animal products. May wise governments and individuals worldwide quickly heed this call to ensure the survival of lives on Earth.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has similarly spoken on many occasions of the immense toll of meat and fish production on the planet, tirelessly urging for a global switch to plant-based fare, as in the following excerpt from an October 2009 videoconference in Germany.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: But even though our predicament is very grave, we do still have time if we act now. And the solution is still very simple. Well, you know it, right? It’s the vegan diet – no animal products.

    According to the most recent figures from scientists, livestock raising is actually responsible for more than 50% of global warming. The original United Nations report in 2006, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” spoke in bold terms even already about the damage caused by the livestock industry, saying that, “It is one of the topmost significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems at every scale, from local to global.”

    First, depleted land and forests. According to the United Nations, livestock is the main reason for deforestation which in turn is causing tragic declines in natural biodiversity.

    Second, wasted resources. For every kilogram of animal protein produced, livestock are fed about 6 kilograms of plant protein.

    Third, wasted water. Scientists have found that each person eating a meat and dairy based diet uses around 4,500 gallons of water per day, compared to 300 gallons per day for a vegan diet.

    Fourth, wasted energy. It takes 8 times as much fossil fuel to produce animal products as to produce plant food. This is the key. If everyone switches to this beneficial lifestyle, our planet will be cooled in no time, scientifically speaking and my promise.

  18. #78
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    Default 65. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    South Korean officials pledge to be veg one day a week - 10 Jun 2010

    A seminar was recently held in Gwangju, South Korea inviting government officials and educators to consider implementing a vegan policy in schools. It was organized by a coalition of civil groups called Hope Group Meal Alliance for a Green World, who share the goal for creating healthier low-carbon school meals for children.

    Politicians on stage (M): I will adopt a vegetarian diet one day a week.

    VOICE: Invited South Korean parliament members and others signed a document pledging to be veg themselves while formally promoting the lifestyle.

    Jang Hui-Gook – Gwangju City Superintendent of Education Candidate (M): I have pledged to work to provide once-a-week vegetarian school meals, and first-and-foremost to provide menus in schools that give students a choice.

    VOICE: In addition to lectures given on the relationship between climate change and diet, presentations were given by Dr. Wei Jong-Bi from Formosa’s (Taiwan) National Chang Hua University on the successful precedents in Formosa’s vegan school meal policies; and Dr. Hwang Seong-Soo, a South Korean vegan neurosurgeon who has helped patients reverse chronic disease by adopting animal-free diets.

    Hwang Seong-Soo, MD – Neurosurgeon, Daegu Medical Center; Vegan (M): Humans must not eat meat, fish, egg, or milk. These shouldn’t just be reduced, they must not be eaten at all.

    Kim Jae-Gyun – South Korean National Assembly Member (M): For health and for reducing global warming, it’s very important to have a plant-based diet rather than meat eating.

    VOICE: Outside the Chonnam National University venue, college students urged the public to pledge to try veg while offering free tasty veg hamburgers. Our Association members were also invited to cook free hot vegan meals on site.

    Citizen tasting (M): It’s really tasty!

    Child reading veg pledge card (F): “I will be veg once a week to save the Earth suffering from global warming and to save my health.”

    VOICE: Our appreciation honorable South Korean legislators, groups and citizens who are determined to ensure both health and a sustainable future for our children. May all responsible schools and governments adopt the win-win solution of adopting plant-based fare.

    Group: Be veg, go green, save the planet!

    In a September 2009 videoconference in South Korea, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged educators and dignitaries toward the Earth-saving organic vegan diet to save the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : You have taken the first step by declaring to be organic vegan one day a week.

    I thank you for that again. And now with this same courageous spirit, please be veg every day of the week, or just another six days.

    That is very simple. Because organic vegan is the only way we can save the planet. There’s nothing else, no other green power can protect us in this crucial moment of danger.

    Please wake up and wake everybody else up before our house is burned down. Together we will win, together we will save this planet.

  19. #79
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    Default 66. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    Global methane from the livestock industry underestimated - 5 Jul 2010

    Through recalculations based on a new approach, US researchers from the University of Missouri have concluded that the amounts of methane emitted from the waste on dairy and pig farms could be underestimated by as much as 65%.

    US factory farms, which house thousands of animals at a time in one building, are often forced to dispose of the overwhelming quantities of waste in manure “lagoons,” open and untreated cesspits holding up to millions of gallons of liquid waste.

    Although these livestock waste lagoons generate toxic methane gas as a byproduct, they are rarely measured due to the technical difficulty and high costs. As a result, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had been estimating the emissions of this potent greenhouse gas based on a certain United Nations formula. However, the scientists found that the lagoons generated methane more rapidly than calculated by the UN formula.

    This, combined with other equation updates, suggested the current methane emissions could be up to two-thirds higher than estimated. In addition, the report stated that other farmed animal operations may in fact be producing methane pollution beyond the threshold currently required for reporting to the EPA such as livestock farms with less than 3,200 dairy cows or 34,100 pigs.The harmful effects of livestock manure on environment and health due were further described by US investigative journalist David Kirby in an interview.

    David Kirby – Award winning US investigative journalist, author of “Animal Factory” (M): There are all the gases that come up off the lagoons, that come out of the barns themselves, and that come from the spray fields, where when they have to get rid this liquid waste. Of course, if the wind comes, well that’s great for the farmer, because he’s just gotten rid of several hundreds of gallons of liquid that just flew away out in the air.

    The lagoons themselves give off gas, and they emit methane, which is very hazardous to human health; hydrogen sulfide, which can cause neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, even suicide, aggression – hydrogen sulfide is a horrible thing to be exposed to; and ammonia.

    VOICE: Our appreciation, Mr. Kirby and University of Missouri researchers for your factual observations that help quantify this harmful greenhouse gas. With such serious considerations as these, may governments and individuals make the urgent and necessary shift to low-emission, humane plant-based agriculture to save the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai has conveyed on many occasions her concern for the environmental impact of animal farming, as during this September 2009 videoconference in South Korea.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai: The animals and their waste also produce very potent greenhouse gases, like methane and nitrous oxide, even other toxic gases. Methane is up to 100 times more potent than carbon dioxide. And nitrous oxide is 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Respected scientists recalculated and found that the meat industry is actually producing more than 50% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

    Meat is the number one cause of global warming. So, the number one solution is to stop producing it. Logical, yes? So, we all have to be vegan. That is what the science is clearly telling us right now.

  20. #80
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    Default 67. ĂN CHAY và HÂM NÓNG TOÀN CẦU

    Harmful pesticides fed to parasite-ridden farmed salmon - 7 Jul 2010

    In its show “Risks on a Plate,” featured on the program “Exhibits,” the second largest French public television channel, France 3, recently revealed what it named as the shocking truth behind Norwegian fish farming, where toxic amounts of pesticides are being fed to farmed salmons to prevent sea lice, a practice that poses problems for both marine and human health.

    According to France 3, one Norwegian salmon farmer revealed that the amount of pesticides fed to the fish was so high that he would not consume the fish himself. Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fishing, said he was revolted to know of this practice and soon after contacted his Norwegian counterpart about the matter. Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Lisbeth Berg-Hansen explained that the pesticides are used only as a last resort, and that while they don’t seem to harm the salmon, it is “alarming” that other species in the same environment were affected.

    Lice infestations, which have caused the perishing of more and more farmed Norwegian salmon in recent years, have originated primarily from the conditions of extreme crowding in feces-contaminated contained areas off the coasts. In 2009 the Norwegian salmon industry spent €60 million on anti-lice measures, with expectations that they might spend double that in 2010. In addition, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority noted that the lice have been rapidly spreading to wild salmon as well.

    We thank France 3 and agencies such as the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for your concerned notification about this hazardous aspect of fish consumption. May humanity find safety in the organic plant-based diet with fish farms becoming history so that all marine friends can roam in freedom and health across the seas.

    During a September 2009 videoconference in Peru, Supreme Master Ching Hai commented on still other problems caused by fish production practices, urging for a global solution to save not only human health but also the planet.

    Supreme Master Ching Hai : In Chimbote, Peru, heavy pollution from 40 fishmeal manufacturers causes documented human illness and increasing oceanic dead zones, with the ground-up fish being fed to caged salmon, creating yet another environmental imbalance and sickness to humans.

    This killing of other beings must be stopped for humanity to evolve as a civilization. The benefits of doing so are manifold. Besides the restoration of health, biodiversity will be allowed to thrive, planet equilibrium restored, along with the easing of our own conscience and our capacity for elevated consciousness. All these are the fruits of a more compassionate diet.

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