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Nhím Hoàng Kim
04-13-2011, 06:43 PM

Fish farming destroys marine wildlife - 1 Jan 2010

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has reported a dramatic rise in sea louse , a parasite that infects salmon, is causing great concern in Norway as its populations triple in the crowded fish farms of the Norwegian fjords over the past year alone. Besides killing the farmed fish, environmentalists fear that this organism will further decimate already weakened wild salmon whose numbers have been reduced by half
in the past decades.

Meanwhile, a 23-year Finnish study has concluded that lethal strains of the bacteria Columnaris have developed in the confined conditions of ocean fish farms. This infection destroys the skin, fins, and gills of fish and is currently the leading cause of their death. With infected farmed fish that sometimes escape or are let loose by fish farmers who wish to avoid fines and costly clean-up, wild fish are thus being subjected to an increasing number of virulent diseases that originate from factory farms.

Norwegian Food Safety Authority, we appreciate and share your concern for the well-being of wild fish and ocean life. May we all realize the damaging nature of meat and fish consumption and opt quickly for the life-enhancing vegan diet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken of the tolls endured by the Earth’s animal inhabitants, addressing our need to halt the devastating practice of fishing as during a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to stop it. Just stop the fishing. The government has to forbid fishing because it’s too important to our survival to delay any further. To stop this destructive practice of fishing, the solution is the vegan diet, no fishy stuff in our meals. The sea offers us plenty of better food choices; the wide varieties of super healthy and nutritious sea plants. We can even live on it forever. We must protect a living and healthy sea, as it relates to our living and healthy self.







Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:23 PM
Toxic algae creates plague for marine life - 2 Jan 2010

In oceans across the globe, warming temperatures and pollution, especially from livestock manure and related agriculture, are often responsible for the growth of harmful forms of algae such as the red tide that is now spreading through waters off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.

This algae impairs other organisms’ ability to absorb oxygen, leading to suffocation, and is thus devastating for coral, fish and other marine life. Both Iran and the United Arab Emirates report the death of many tens of tons of fish, marine mammals and coral thus far. Although cooler winter weather is expected to alleviate the situation, patches of the algae currently remain, meaning that it could continue to spread.

Meanwhile, possibly hundreds of thousands of seabirds are in peril in the Northwest USA as a toxic algae bloom has contaminated hundreds of miles of coastline. As this algal bloom decays, it emits a substance that removes the birds’ waterproofing from their feathers, leaving them vulnerable to starvation, dehydration
and hypothermia. Rescue efforts are underway but the unprecedented number of birds affected has left local centers overwhelmed.

It saddens us deeply to know of such distress to our marine and avian co-inhabitants.
Let us all act with urgency to tread more gently and protect our shared Earthly home. Expressing concern once more about humans’ pollution of waterway ecosystems, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded of the importance of preserving nature during a July 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Wild species suffer similar fates because we also drain our chemical substances, insecticides, pesticides into the rivers, into the lakes, into the oceans. So we lost many of these precious species, we lost many of us, because they are us. And we also lose ourselves, many of us humans, because of these poisonous substances – even from the farm industry - and we still did not wake up yet.

We should have more rules, more guidelines, to protect natural habitats. Above all, enlightenment is really what’s needed to govern. That’s number one. And vegan diet with right motive, number two, will offer more compassion and insight, also will help preserve precious natural habitats for the wild and protect the resources for humans.




Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:25 PM
Ocean acidity increases noise levels - 5 Jan 2010

As global warming causes the oceans to absorb more and more CO2, US scientists say they are also getting louder, with unknown effects on marine life. Dr. Richard Zeebe, associate professor of oceanography at the University of Hawaii in the USA, explained that the rising acidity from the absorbed gas affects sound propagation, with certain frequencies becoming more intense.

Further increases in both the acid content as well as human-generated noise from ships, construction, seismic surveys and sonar signals could thus severely impair the cetaceans’ ability to navigate and communicate effectively.

Dr. Rima Morrell, an animal communicator and member of the United Kingdom’s Royal Geographical Society and Royal Anthropological Institute, conveyed in a telephone interview with Supreme Master Television further information about how whales in particular respond to such harmful human actions.

Dr. Rima A Morrell – Founder, Living Ark Sanctuary, Member of the Royal Geographical Society and Royal Anthropological Institute (F): Suddenly the ocean which was once a place of freedom is being restricted by these noises and these objects that humans have put there.

And mothers and babies are losing each other, and that kind of thing never used to happen. However, despite what is happening to the ocean, the whales themselves remain very balanced and they are delighted by the joy that that humans get through contact with them.
And that is indeed why they chose to actually come towards humans and leap around and surface there where humans are.

VOICE: Dr. Morrell, Dr. Zeebe and colleagues, our gratitude for this study which calls attention to a new aspect of climate change and its damaging effects. May we all unite in efforts to protect the oceans and our planet.

Highlighting the value of all animal co-inhabitants to the welfare of humanity, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often shared an understanding of the gifts they bring to our world, as in an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The animals are truly noble, gentle beings, selfless, and in harmony with one another, the environment, and with Heaven. Their role has always been since time immemorial to bring love and blessing to the world with their pure presence.

If we would only stop harming and torturing them and killing them, and give them a chance to fulfill their God-given mission, then our planet will be saved and will be kept in splendor.

They wait on the sidelines in full support of humans, for the day they can be our friends again, truly, not our victims. On that day of peacemaking between humans and animals, our eyes may begin to be opened to our co-inhabitants’ true magnificent roles on Earth.

/news/20091227_Ocean_noise_pollution_turns_up_with_greenhouse_gas_emissions. html



Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:31 PM
Stranded whales returned to sea - 6 Jan 2010

After 105 pilot whales were found stranded and perished on southern New Zealand’s Colville Beach, another 64 were found and 43 saved on Coromandel Beach, thanks to the help of about 300 volunteers, rescuers and visitors who kept the mammals wet until the tide came in and they could safely swim back to the ocean.
The 21 who perished were buried on the sacred Maori land.

Although the reason for these strandings is unknown, such events have been observed to be increasing along with the human-caused effects of global warming.

Our appreciation all volunteers and rescuers whose tireless efforts helped keep the whales alive during this heart-wrenching incident. May God continue to bless the loving whales as we work to protect all marine species and their beautiful ocean homes. During an international gathering in August 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke with sorrow about stranded ocean mammals, and how humans both cause and can help with their predicament.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So many whales and dolphins, they wash up ashore and die. There are so many dead zones in the ocean.It’s suffocating them, so they have to swim out of the water where it’s full of the poisonous gas that has been released! They cannot bear it, they cannot breathe. So they have to get out of it.

For them, life is in the water, but if water is full of poison, of course they come out. But when they come out, they die, too. Because they have no water. They stay in the ocean, they die; they came out, they die. There is no choice for them. This is the worst of all cruelty, that the people don’t take care of the environment. And let all beings keep dying like this.

Just to be vegan, how difficult can it be?

Even the dolphins have to swim out of the ocean; because they think like that they can survive, even risking their lives. So why not we can just can change to vegan diet?






Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:42 PM
Coral reefs give rise to considerable new species - 15 Jan 2010

A recent study by scientists at Humboldt University in Germany looked back hundreds of millions of years to determine the type of life that has sprung up around coral reefs over time. These magnificent but delicate ecosystems are currently imperiled worldwide as rising ocean temperatures produce bleaching and acidification, making it difficult for their structures to form.

Coral reefs are sometimes referred to as the rainforest of the ocean because of their vast biodiversity. That descript-xion was confirmed in this study as researchers found new species originating 50% faster in coral reefs than in other habitats.

Lead author Dr. Wolfgang Kiessling stated, “Our study shows that reefs are even more important than currently assumed ... not only ecologically … but also in an evolutionary sense.”

Dr. Kiessling and Humboldt University colleagues, our sincere thanks for your detailed work confirming the vital importance of coral reefs to our planet.

Let us show our respect for life on both land and sea through sustainable living in harmony with the Earth.
In a November 2008 interview on Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed yet again the significant value of the fragile marine ecosystems, along with the way to assure their preservation.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some scientists predict that most of the coral reefs could disappear in the near future if global warming increases. Scary, 10% lost just in the last four years alone. Coral reefs are just like the forest on land. They are the protectors of 100-plus countries’ coastlines against storm surges and hurricanes. And they are also the supporters of over 25% of all marine species. They are the medical treasure which is used in many medicines And there are many more things that we have not discovered about the benefits of coral reef and marine life.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So we have to stop global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And above all, and most urgently of all, be veg, go green to save the planet.



Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:45 PM
Warming oceans are leading to extensive acidification - 5 Feb 2010

A recently published study provides the first direct evidence of increased levels of carbon dioxide absorption from climate change that have led to acidification across an entire ocean basin.

Led by Dr. Robert Byrne of the University of Southern Florida, the research analyzed the pH of Pacific seawater over a 15-year period from Oahu, Hawaii to Kodiak, Alaska in the USA.

The scientists found that CO2 levels were increasing down to half-mile depths, with only the deepest ocean waters containing levels that were unchanged.

Dr. Byrne stated that the study leaves no doubt about the danger posed by acidification to the world’s oceans, saying, “If this happens in a piece of ocean as big as a whole… basin, then this is a global phenomenon.”

Dr. Byrne and fellow University of Southern Florida scientists, our thanks for the further revealing of global warming’s effect on the fragile marine environment.

Let us all step toward sustainable measures to protect our planet while there is still time. At a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke, as on previous occasions, of the critical situation of the world’s oceans and the need for humanity’s better stewardship on Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival. In addition, oceans also absorb atmospheric CO2 – carbon dioxide – which directly helps to cool our planet.

From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution. So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish. This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution.

Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately.




Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:46 PM
Sea deforestation could be another tipping point - 15 Feb 2010

Recent studies in Japan have revealed that certain underwater areas of once lush sea grass have all but disappeared. Such regions have been called the “cradle of the seas” because they supply vital food, oxygen and habitat for fish. However, when the seaweed beds vanish, so does all other life, as observed near Shizuoka Prefecture, where an underwater area previously filled with species such as abalone, flounder, sea bream and
others is now barren and empty.

According to the Marine Ecology Research Institute in Tokyo, climate change is a contributing factor, as the warming waters cause certain fish to stay active in the winter rather than hibernate, resulting in continued feeding on the seagrass.

Moreover, humans’ revival efforts through replanting alone have thus far been unsuccessful, with a study of 129 seaweed beds indicating that a tipping point may have been reached beyond which no restoration is possible.
A report from Japan’s Environment Ministry corroborated, stating that when the environment changes beyond the stage that the seaweed beds can regenerate naturally, attempts to stem their loss could be too late.

Our earnest appreciation, Japan’s Environment Ministry, Marine Ecology Research Institute and all participating scientists for citing yet another aspect of the dire state of our oceans.

Let us quickly adopt more sustainable ways to protect the Earth and her amazing seas. Speaking during an interview for the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized as in previous times the critical actions that would not only save lives but would restore the entire ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The truth is that, scientifically speaking, we have a short time left because we have already waited too long to act. Leading scientists and organizations are now saying this as well, especially as they find that the tipping points, which indicate irreversible damage to the Earth, are being reached much faster than
anyone had previously thought and calculated.

See, We need the solution, which is organic life-saving vegan diet, then our future is transformed. Life will quickly become better than what you could even imagine. With no more killing, humans and animals alike will flourish in peace, and the world will be restored to beauty and happiness.



Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:49 PM
Ocean acidity rates could lead to mass extinction - 27 Feb 2010

A study led by Dr. Andy Ridgwell of the United Kingdom’s University of Bristol examined ocean sediment to determine how levels of acid have changed throughout history. Its findings revealed that ocean acidity is increasing ten times faster today than 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs became extinct, due to currently rising levels of atmospheric CO2.

With excessive acidification causing the carbonate shells of certain marine organisms to dissolve along with muscle wasting and dwarfism in other species, Dr. Ridgwell said that the rate of today’s acidification is threatening the basis of all marine life.

Dr. Ridgwell and University of Bristol associates, our sincere thanks for bringing to light this important information that highlights our need to act now. May we humans deeply realize that our daily choices affect our future on the planet.

During a March 2009 videoconference in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again emphasized the importance of protecting the oceans’ delicate balance, on which ultimately our own lives depend.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There’s another condition called acidification where the lack of certain fish has contributed to higher ocean acidity which, in turn, reduces the capacity of the ocean to absorb CO.

And the ocean is a very complex ecosystem where every living thing has a unique function. So, removing even a small fish for humans to eat creates an imbalance in the sea. In fact, we are already seeing an effect of this imbalance on marine mammals.

As the ocean becomes warmer and warmer and more acidic, more toxins are present in the water.

Anything God puts on Earth is for a purpose. We should not kill anything. We should not eat anything except plant-based diet.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:51 PM
Oscar-winning film director speaks out for dolphin and ocean protection - 12 Mar 2010

The documentary film, “The Cove,” describing the cruelty of an annual dolphin hunt that takes place in a small bay in Japan, recently won the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary.

For the filmmakers, the efforts to end marine mammal killing and to protect the animals’ environment has been ongoing. Just before the Oscars award ceremony, they teamed with vegan eco-activists to go undercover into a restaurant suspected of selling whale meat, which is illegal in the United States according to the Marine
Mammal Protection Act.

After a DNA test confirmed that the flesh being served was from the endangered Sei whale, the violation was reported to officials. The film’s director, Louie Psihoyos, who had participated in the activity, said that the exposure of whale hunting, like his film, is about saving the animals as well as the biosphere that supports their lives.

Louie Psihoyos – Director of Oscar winning film The Cove (M): We’re trying to solve the problem in one little cove, but it’s really a microcosm of what’s going on in the oceans. With all the fertilizers and run-offs and pesticides, it’s killing the oceans.

VOICE: “The Cove” also exposes the fact that the dolphins being hunted are already contaminated with mercury from the polluted ocean waters.

Those hunting them use underwater sonar waves, which drive the panicked dolphins into a small cove that soon turns bloody red as they are brutally speared or knifed to death.

As it turns out, this dolphin meat has some of the highest levels of mercury known in Japan, with the potential to cause neurological damage, especially in children. In addition, the dolphins that are not killed outright are captured and sold into lives of captivity and isolation to entertain humans in zoos and aquariums.

The film’s message is thus to raise awareness about these practices, which wreak harm to so many beings.

Louie Psihoyos (M): The only way that we can save the life of a dolphin now is to prove that we made his environment so toxic, that we can no longer eat them.

It shows you the amount of respect that we lost for the animal and the amount of respect that we lost for ourselves. We’re doing what no wild animal will do; we’re fouling our own nest.

VOICE: We congratulate and thank Mr. Psihoyos and co-creators of “The Cove” for working to preserve our precious oceans and their beautiful inhabitants.

May we treat more kindly our marine friends and the vital seas that we both share and depend upon.

Louie Psihoyos (M): Be veg, go green, save the planet.

VOICE: In a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the issue of tainted dolphin meat and once more encouraged the protection of all marine life for our planetary survival.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Some Japanese scientists stated that these products should be taken off the shelves immediately. And Dr. Palombi of Harvard University gave the same advice to the Japanese government - that they should ban dolphin fishing and they should ban dolphin meat selling in the market.

To stop this destructive practice of fishing, the solution is the vegan diet, no fishy stuff in our meals. Choose the life- and Earth-saving vegan diet. Protect animals and the environment.

And pray that all will heed the scientists’ wise counsel and turn to benevolent life courses which will in turn offer a benevolent life on Earth.







Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:53 PM
Ocean scientists sound the alarm - 16 Mar 2010

Ocean scientists sound the alarm.

Chemical oceanographer Dr. Jeremy Mathis and a team of researchers at the University of Fairbanks Alaska in the USA have found that the rising acidity of northern ocean waters has decreased its ability to absorb calcium and aragonite.

These minerals are vital for shell-bearing animals, with related studies already demonstrating that the region’s king crabs suffer higher mortality rates as ocean acidity increases.

Meanwhile, oceanographer Dr. Jack Barth and colleagues at Oregon State University have also expressed concern about the effect of global warming on the Pacific Ocean, having observed that hypoxic, or low oxygen, regions have expanded.

Recently, species such as Dungeness crabs, sea stars and sea anemones have been seen dying off in massive numbers due to oxygen deprivation. Moreover, noxious bacteria thrive in these conditions.

Highlighting the forecast of such events from previous climate change models, Dr. Barth stated, “The real surprise is how this has become the new norm. We are seeing it year after year.”

Dr. Mathis, Dr. Barth and colleagues at the University of Fairbanks and Oregon State University, we appreciate your detailed studies and share your concern about this disruption to ocean ecospheres.

Let us all quickly join hands in meaningful actions to halt climate change and protect all lives on our planet. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often expressed concern about the grave state of the oceans while also highlighting the solution for the entire planet, as during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Scientists are now concerned that dead zones like this will just continue to be more and more, get bigger and bigger, which of course is lethal for all life.

From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution. So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish.

This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution. Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:55 PM
Oceanic dead zones emit potent greenhouse gas and accelerate global warming - 1 Apr 2010

As a growing number of oxygen-deprived “dead zones” in the world’s seas not only threaten marine plant and animal life, the suffocating waters also give off the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.

In an article published in the journal “Science,” Dr. Lou Codispoti, oceanographer at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science in the USA explains that the warming oceans are causing microbes, especially those in the more shallow, low-oxygen zones, to produce high levels of the gas, which are then passed into the atmosphere to further aggravate climate change.

Along with trapping 289 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, nitrous oxide also further depletes the Earth's ozone layer, thus increasing our exposure to harmful UV radiation.

Dr. Codispoti, your study indeed sounds a warning that cannot be ignored and we are grateful for your observations. Let us all act now in planet-cooling endeavors to stabilize the environments of both land and sea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often cautioned about the detriments of poisonous gases being released by the warming oceans, along with global warming’s root solution, as during an international gathering with our Association members in February 2008.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, the gases are fuming from the ocean and from the land that’s been deforested. It’s fuming everywhere. It’s just that at the moment, it’s not so intense. , yeah? But it’ll be more and more intense if we don’t do something.

Everybody knows by now, from the UN Report that meat eating, animal raising, it’s one of the worst factors, or even the worst factor of global warming.

And nobody talks about it. Everybody says, okay, new energy, biofuel, hybrid car, dig a hole and store the carbon. As if it will not bust one day. And before that you have to breathe in already, as if it will not affect you.

What is so difficult, to put down one piece of meat, and replace it with one piece of tofu. Which is exactly the same, better nutrition. Better for your health. More economized.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:57 PM
Climate change causes unprecedented coral bleaching - 10 Apr 2010

According to a team of scientists from Australia’s Southern Cross University, warming ocean waters have imperiled coral reefs in Lord Howe Island Lagoon, the world’s southernmost such ecosystem, This year has seen the hottest, driest, most cloudless January in recorded history, and Dr. Peter Harrison, who led a survey of the reefs east of Sydney said that the two degree Celsius rise in temperature since 1993 has endangered the reefs as well as a sea anemone that is home to a rare type of fish.

As such overheating causes the coral to expel crucial algae that give them their color, a soon return to normal temperatures could allow the reefs to survive but only after decades of recovery.

Dr. Harrison explained that global warming is behind these changes as he stated. “It's exactly what you predict from warming seas. This is a warning of likely future increases of stress on this world's southernmost reef.”

Dr. Harrison and colleagues at Southern Cross University, we appreciate your detailed observations of the imperiled coral reefs. Our prayers that all are motivated to speedily adopt sustainable lifestyles that preserve the delicately interconnected life on our planet.

During a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM, Supreme Master Ching Hai reiterated a concern she has often expressed about the preciousness of coral reefs as part of the biosphere affected by global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now, the coral reefs are there for some reason. See, there are many factors that affect coral reefs, like coastal development, water pollution, changing sea water temperature because of global warming.

Some scientists predict that most of the coral reefs could disappear in the near future if global warming increases.

Coral reefs are just like the forest on land. They are the protectors of 100-plus countries’ coastlines against storm surges and hurricanes. They are the protectors. And they are also the supporters of over 25% of all marine species.

So you see how important it is. And there are many more things that we have not discovered about the benefits of coral reef and marine life. We must protect a living and healthy sea, as it relates to our living and healthy self.

The solution is vegetarian diet






Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 06:59 PM
Global warming intensifies imbalances in ocean salinity - 29 Apr 2010

In data collected from more than 460,000 oceanic readings, a first-ever assessment of overall ocean salinity conducted by Australian scientists has found that global warming is leading to certain ocean regions becoming more salt-concentrated, while others are more diluted with fresh water.

Increases in surface water temperature cause more water to be evaporated from some areas, which is then transferred to other regions and released as water in the form of rain or snow.

Researchers Dr. Susan Wijffels and Paul Durack of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) found that the geographic areas most affected by evaporation were subtropical oceans like the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic, while tropical and higher latitude waters were becoming more diluted through additional precipitation.

Moreover, measurements made below the water’s surface indicate that these changes in salinity are extending into deep ocean currents, with the scientists stating that the effect on human lives could be far-reaching as already-dry regions become dryer, and areas that receive high amounts of rainfall are even more inundated.

Our thanks, Dr. Wijffels, Mr. Durack and fellow Australian scientists for your detailed assessment that reveals this widespread effect of climate change.

May we heed the warning signs of such large-scale disturbances and act swiftly to stabilize our ecosystems. At a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke, as on previous occasions, of the vital importance of restoring balance to the world’s oceans.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution. So global warming is affecting the oceans.

More than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival.I am eager as you are, and can’t wait to see the day when we all become vegan, that is, before it is too late.

The planet will begin repairing itself in astonishing ways that scientists would be surprised.

The oceans will be healed as the rainfall and temperature begin to regulate themselves again, and produce restored balance.






Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:03 PM
Stranded marine mammals rescued from the shores of Chile and Formosa (Taiwan) - 1 May 2010

Upon finding 15 pilot whales stranded on Playa Brava beach in the northern Chilean city of Iquique, some 300 volunteers, police and navy personnel worked for more than 9 hours to return them to the sea.
While three sadly did not survive, the rescuers were successful in releasing 12 into the open waters.

Meanwhile, in Formosa the previous week, a pod of 21 pygmy orcas was found on the beach near Hsinta Port in Kaohsiung County. Approximately 80 Coast Guard Administration personnel initially used boats to lead them back to the sea, with 15 later found washed back on shore and four who had tragically perished.

The surviving 11 whales were then transported directly by boat and released successfully in open waters. Although the exact cause of these events is unknown, experts have cited both seismic activity and climate change effects.

Some of the perished marine mammals have also been found to contain vast amounts of human-made debris in their stomachs. Our gratefulness all rescuers for your efforts in saving our stranded marine mammal friends.
Let us strive to protect the oceanic homes of the gentle whales and other marine species so that they may thrive in their natural habitats once more.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the importance of being good stewards of the ecosphere to safeguard the welfare of our fellow co-inhabitants, as during an international gathering in August 2008.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So many whales and dolphins, they wash up ashore and die. There are so many dead zones in the ocean.It’s suffocating them, so they have to swim out of the water where it’s full of the poisonous gas that has been released! They cannot bear it, they cannot breathe. So they have to get out of it.

For them, life is in the water, but if water is full of poison, of course they come out. But when they come out, they die, too. Because they have no water. They stay in the ocean, they die; they came out, they die. There is no choice for them. This is the worst of all cruelty, that the people don’t take care of the environment.
And let all beings keep dying like this.

Just to be vegan, how difficult can it be? Even the dolphins have to swim out of the ocean; because they think like that they can survive, even risking their lives. So why not we can just can change to vegan diet?










Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:24 PM
Ocean acidity rising at alarming rate - 4 May 2010

According to a report by the US-based National Research Council, the chemistry of the sea is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years. The rising acidification, which is caused by the absorption of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, removes heat-producing CO2 from the atmosphere.

However, the resultant increase in acidity is adversely affecting such intricate ocean processes as photosynthesis, nutrient access, growth, reproduction and even the survival of marine life such as coral reefs and shellfish.

Noting that the current rate of change is more than any known in the past 800,000 years, the report recommends further assessment of potential damage as well as a plan to curb these harmful effects.

We are grateful National Research Council and all scientists who are calling attention to the silent crisis of the ocean caused by global warming. May we each and all do our part by adopting compassionate and sustainable lifestyles that are in harmony with the continuation of life on our planet.

Speaking at a March 2009 videoconference in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized, as she frequently has, the critical need to safeguard the delicate balance of our seas.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There’s another condition called acidification where the lack of certain fish has contributed to higher ocean acidity which, in turn, reduces the capacity of the ocean to absorb CO2. The ocean is a very complex ecosystem where every living thing has a unique function. So, removing even
a small fish for humans to eat creates an imbalance in the sea. In fact, we are already seeing an effect of this imbalance on marine mammals.

As the ocean becomes warmer and warmer and more acidic, more toxins are present in the water.

Anything God puts on Earth is for a purpose. We should not kill anything. We should not eat anything except plant-based diet.






Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:26 PM
US oil spill threatens marine life - 13 May 2010

Since the April 20 bursting of an offshore drilling rig near Louisiana, USA, tens of thousands of gallons of toxic crude oil per day have been gushing unabated into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Unlike the major oil spill in Alaska in 1989 that came from a tanker, the current underground source is non-finite, with contamination that if left unchecked could inflict untold harm on marine wildlife.

Dr. Moby Solangi - President and Executive Director, Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (M): By now we have at least 2 or 3 million gallons that’s floating out there, and if they don’t cap it, this could be the worst manmade disaster in US history.

VOICE: Dr. Moby Solangi, President and Executive Director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Louisiana, has been preparing urgently to assist some of the marine animals that might be affected.

Dr. Moby Solangi (M): We specialize with dolphins, turtles and manatees. These are animals that are most vulnerable. They are air breathing animals. When they breathe the fumes, their lungs would be affected and they could get pneumonias and other toxins. And so that is really a big concern.

VOICE: Dr. Solangi is especially concerned that the oil could eventually impact all species associated with the coastal waters and marshes.

Apart from whales and sea turtles that would become coated with oil as they rise to the ocean surface, native birds such as the reddish egret and the mottled duck would have nowhere else to go once their habitats are affected.

Still other species, including the dolphin and bluefin tuna, recently gave birth to their young who may be particularly at risk.

Dr. Moby Solangi (M): There are a lot of baby dolphins that are going to be close to the shoreline, then they could be affected. Just like other young animals, they’re very inquisitive and they like to go into things, touch things. An animal does not know that oil spill is dangerous, so they get caught up into the oil spill and all these other issues cascade into a really serious injury.

They are depending upon us for their security, for their life, and it is the responsibility of human beings to take care of their surroundings and the animals that inhabit it, because ultimately their survival is our survival.

VOICE: We thank Dr. Solangi for your concerned efforts to protect our marine co-inhabitants who have become more fragile at this time. May further spillage be swiftly stopped as we pray meanwhile for the safety of human and animal residents alike. During a July 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai urged greater conscientiousness in our lifestyles and actions toward the environment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Wild species suffer similar fates because we also drain our chemical substances, insecticides, pesticides into the rivers, into the lakes, into the oceans.
So we lost many of these precious species, we lost many of us, because they are us. And we also lose ourselves, many of us humans, because of these poisonous substances – and we still did not wake up yet.

We should have more rules, more guidelines, to protect natural habitats. Above all, enlightenment is really what’s needed to govern.

That’s number one. And vegan diet with right motive, number two, will offer more compassion and insight, also will help preserve precious natural habitats for the wild and protect the resources for humans.






Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:29 PM
Large healthy coral colony found in Japan - 21 Mar 2010

Local residents of Kumejima, a town in Okinawa of southwestern Japan, recently discovered an immense and thriving colony of corals 100 kilometers off the coast of the prefecture’s main island. In a recent follow-up survey, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) found that this colony is not only large, but it is also impressive because of its vitality, which is unusual since many coral colonies around the world are known to be threatened by bleaching due to global warming.

These colonies, on the other hand , appear to enjoy certain conditions unique to the Okinawa island region that include warm subtropical waters carried by the Kuroshio Current, an absence of silt from runoff and the water’s high salinity, all of which are necessary for large coral growth.

In a related study, Spanish and French scientists observing coral colonies in the Mediterranean discovered that the recovery of ailing coral health was directly proportional to the length of time and restorative conditions of being left undisturbed from fishing and other human activities.

According to another new finding by UK researchers, the survival of coral reefs rests in part on the remarkable ability of baby corals to perceive sounds emitted from parent colonies.
Believed until now to drift aimlessly, the tiny young organisms actually detect and navigate towards the sounds of activity coming from coral reef habitats.

However, participating study scientists have expressed concern that human-made noise from boats, shipping, and other activities could interfere with this vital lifesaving skill.
Meanwhile, the Japanese scientists who discovered the Kumejima coral are also advocating the region’s protection to help in replenishing depleted regions.

Our appreciation World Wildlife Fund and British, Spanish and French researchers for your findings of these ocean wonders. We pray that such precious coral colonies will continue in their pristine state and that all marine ecosystems may likewise be allowed to flourish through humans’ protection.

In an October 2009 videoconference in Indonesia, Supreme Master Ching Hai urged for the conservation of Earth’s coral reefs through our conscientious actions.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: One report has put it this way, I quote exactly from that report: 『Overfishing is causing more damage to the coral reefs than earthquakes or tsunamis.』 Can you imagine this ?

If we are vegan, coral reefs will be left in peace and beauty, and will protect us. The coral reef is a protector of our lives, of the sea. Right now it is endangered, the coral reef, due to overfishing If we truly wish to see real harmony born between humans and animals and nature and Heaven, we must be the harmony, we must live in harmony, and act also in harmony, which includes the act of eating harmoniously each time we come to the table. Peace, compassion, mercy begin on our plate.

We must protect the environment and the animals because we have to protect ourselves.




Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:33 PM
World premiere of documentary “Sea the Truth.” - 24 May 2010

A sequel of the 2008 film “Meat the Truth” on the impact of livestock raising on global warming, a new film titled “Sea the Truth” presents the equally destructive consequences of overfishing. The new documentary, which premiered last week in a special showing in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, was commissioned by the Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation, the scientific bureau of the Dutch Party for the Animals, and features the acclaimed Dutch underwater photographer and conservationist Dos Winkel.

Dos Winkel – Dutch ocean photographer and conservationist, Shining World Hero Award, Vegetarian (M): Nobody sees what’s happening underwater, and what’s happening underwater is the biggest destruction of nature, in general, on Earth. I tried to make it visible by beautiful images of underwater life. When people see that, they get the idea, “Okay, it’s that beautiful, we have to protect it.” And in order to protect it, well, you have to take severe measures, like stopping eating fish. Stopping all the fisheries in the world.

VOICE: The film’s debut coincided with the release of a new United Nations report on biodiversity, which forecasts that the world’s oceans could be completely depleted in just 40 years if no action is taken.

Karen Soeters – Director of Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation, Party for the Animals, Netherlands, Shining World Hero Award, Vegan (F): There’s no sustainable fishery, and you should stop eating fish, that’s the message of this documentary, if we want to make sure that in 40 years we still have fish in our oceans.

VOICE: Through both beautiful and tragic images, and expert interviews, “Sea the Truth” explores issues such as fishing practices, contamination, fish product myths, and animal cruelty.

Claudine Everaert – Dutch director and co-producer of Sea the Truth (F): I was startled a lot by the enormous destruction caused by long line fishing. It also has a lot of bycatch, that shocked me a lot.

VOICE: In support of their efforts to address the harms of fish consumption, Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed €30,000 to Mr. Dos Winkel and his Sea First Foundation.

Dos Winkel (M): I would very much like to thank Master Ching Hai for the support. Without your support, it would have been impossible. You covered all the expenses that we made, so thank you, thank you, thank you.

Marianne Thieme – Dutch Parliament Member, Party for the Animals, Shining World Leadership Award, Vegetarian (F): Because we have so many crises in the world, the food crisis, the biodiversity crisis, the climate change, people want to know what they can do to change the world into a better place. A lot of people must realize that your fork is a very powerful tool to become a compassionate and sustainable person.

VOICE: To all involved in this important film, “Sea the Truth,” congratulations on the world premiere. May this be the start of shared global determination to save the vital oceans and planet with an animal-free diet.

Karen Soeters (F): People, please be veg, go green, save the planet.

Dos Winkel (M): My name is Dos Winkel, and I have actually just one message: Be veg, go green and save this world.

Marianne Thieme (F): I’m Marianne Thieme, I’m a member of the Dutch Parliament for the Party for the Animals. Be veg, go green, save the planet.

VOICE: During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai called for the protection of Earth’s oceans through the most simple yet powerful lifestyle change.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The marine ecosystem is in big trouble right now from global warming already. Further fishing will only make matters worse. Also, mercury poisoning causes problems to aquatic life even before it gets to the humans. These are things we need to address in trying to save our planet, not to talk about our health also. Eating fish will definitely not help this.

The ocean is a wonderful recycler that normally can purify the water and create nutrients and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, etc. The ocean is a miracle. But if we ruin the ecosystems, this will spell disaster for us.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It’s better for our body, for our conscience, for our mind, and for the planet to stay away from fish. We should be vegan.




Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:35 PM
Warmed oceans a sure sign of climate change - 7 Jun 2010

A May 2010 report by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) indicates that the world’s oceans have warmed steadily and significantly between 1993 and 2008.
The rate of warming was found to be slightly faster than previous estimates in the 4th Assessment Report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Moreover, as the warm seawater expands, sea levels have also been rising. Team leader Dr. John Lyman collaborated with researchers from the US National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), the Met Office Hadley Center in the United Kingdom, the University of Hamburg in Germany, and the Meteorological Research Institute in Japan, to conduct nine separate evaluations of the upper 700 meters of the ocean.

The new findings on ocean warming presented strong confirmation of planetary climate change, especially with temperature data from water being more stable than land.

Peter Challenor of the UK’s National Oceanography Center affirmed the findings of the comprehensive data analysis as he stated, “This study … shows the warming is real.”

Dr. Lyman and fellow international scientists, we appreciate your detailed work in this confirming study of global warming. May we all act now while we can to protect the Earth and halt climate change. Based on this and other similar information, Supreme Master Ching Hai has long been urging for the most efficient planet-cooling solution, as during an interview published in the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: A group of scientists from the International Alliance of Research Universities just published new findings saying that the rate of sea level rise and oceanic warming are both substantially higher than what the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, estimated just a couple of years ago.

You see, This report now forecasts ocean level to rise one meter by the end of the century, a nearly 70% increase over what the IPCC previously projected.

Of course, they estimate a little bit conservatively, you know? Yes. worrying maybe to alarm the public or just to be cautious.

It is better we concentrate on the solution to save the Earth. We can still do it. We can still do it. If everyone becomes part of the solution, which is the organic life-saving vegan diet, it's so simple really, it's so simple.

It's no sacrifice, it's even better for health, better for everything! It's so easy. Organic vegan diet, that's all we need to do, for the time being. And any other green technology, we can slowly develop.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:37 PM
Oceans suffocating due to climate change - 20 Jun 2010

According to a new study published in Science magazine, the Earth’s seas are fast on their way to becoming over-saturated with human-caused greenhouse gases. The study highlighted a spectrum of factors whose impact has grown especially in the past decade -- rapid warming, changing current patterns, and spreading dead zones – all of which are causing marine ecosystems to decline.

Lead author Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the Global Change Institute at Australia’s University of Queensland, compared the oceans’ current absorption of excessive quantities of atmospheric CO2 to human lungs being filled with cigarette smoke, which has made the water increasingly toxic and acidic. A recently premiered documentary from the Netherlands, titled 『Sea the Truth,』 also examines the oceans’ plight, with experts like Dutch marine biologist Marianne van Mierlo observing the range of alarming phenomena.

Marianne van Mierlo – Marine Biologist, Nicholas Piersen Foundation, The Netherlands (F): The acidification of the ocean is because of the extensive carbon dioxide production of the humans.
It gets into the oceans, and there, because the oceans get acid from it, the calcification rates of all organisms that produce calcite skeletons, that really decreases. They can’t make their shells anymore and it’s really dangerous for, for example, corals, shellfish, also phytoplankton, zooplankton.

VOICE: As the new research confirmed, marine ecosystems are being driven to a tipping point, with danger signs already observed in the form of smaller and fewer fish as well as more frequent diseases in underwater organisms. According to many ocean scientists, including Ms. van Mierlo and others featured in 『Sea the Truth,』 one important solution apart from reducing CO2 emissions is halting fish consumption.

These ocean inhabitants contribute to the balance of marine environments and thus are needed for their preservation.

Marianne van Mierlo (F): Fish excrete calcium carbonate lumps, which are buffering the ocean acidification, which is really important. So also it’s important to stop overfishing.
Totally, we should stop eating fish now, and it is so important to keep our oceans healthy, and we’ve already gone way too far in exploiting them.

VOICE: Our thanks Ms. van Mierlo, Professor Hoegh-Guldberg and associates for providing the facts and warnings from the seas. May we join hands in rescuing and restoring the oceans by adopting a meat- and fish-free diet that saves all lives.

Marianne van Mierlo (F): I’m Marianne van Mierlo. Be veg, go green, and save the planet!
Marianne van Mierlo (F): Be veg, go green, and save the planet!

Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently spoken of how our lifestyles can affect the marine ecosystems, as in an interview published in the September 2009 edition of the British Parliament's The House Magazine.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: No matter how small, each species has a role to help balance our ecosystem, scientifically proven. And yet, consumption of both fish and animal flesh continue and are wreaking havoc on biodiversity around the globe. In the oceans and fresh waterways, so many species of fish have already been lost, with complete aquatic environments such as coral reefs being decimated by such practices as trawling and fishing with explosives.

The answer to all of this is quite clear. Stop the meat consumption. Stop it yesterday.
This is the way we need to go, and fast.



Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:40 PM

Global warming could lead to ocean circulation shutdown -28 Jun 2010

A new study by US scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that the amount of fresh water cycling through the Arctic is increasing due to global warming. This has raised the concern that the large volumes of ice melt from Greenland and other sources could dilute the normally salty Arctic waters to the point that the circulation of the North Atlantic, also known as the thermohaline circulation, could be slowed or even halted, with disastrous consequences for the global climate.

Explaining this immense potential tipping point in a telephone interview with Supreme Master Television was Professor Anders Levermann from Potsdam University, a senior researcher at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research in Germany and the lead author of the Sea Level Change chapter for the coming 5th report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Professor Anders Levermann – Senior researcher, Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, Germany (M): If you put additional fresh water into the North Atlantic by melting Greenland or by having more discharge from Siberian rivers, then you can freshen the North Atlantic so strongly that there won’t be any sinking of water anymore, and that would disrupt this thermohaline circulation, and could make it stop. Because there’s so much heat transport associated with this thermohaline circulation, it’s going to disturb the entire climate system.

VOICE: The thermohaline circulation acts as the “conveyor belt” bringing heat from the lower to higher parts of the northern hemisphere. A collapse of this vital system could decrease North Atlantic temperatures by up to 8 degrees Celsius, severely affecting agriculture in Europe. Sea level rise and disrupted ecosystems and rainfall patterns are the other consequences that could hugely impact human life.

Professor Anders Levermann (M): The estimates are such that this kind of sea level rise that we would get from the collapse of the thermohaline circulation would be 10 times, 20 times quicker than what we see at the moment. The sea level would, more or less, instantaneously rise in the North Atlantic by up to a meter. Then, you disrupt the heat uptake of the ocean, which would further increase global warming.

Then the rain belt in the tropics would shift by a few hundreds kilometers. If you look where people live in West Africa, and also in the Amazon region, then this is where the rainfall is, and that would change enough to disturb these communities.

VOICE: We thank Professor Levermann and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research colleagues as well as the University of Massachusetts Amherst scientists for alerting us to this potential catastrophe of the ocean as it affects the ecosphere. May we act swiftly to avert such disastrously large-scale changes and protect lives. During a September 2009 videoconference in Peru, as on many previous occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai urged for direct action that effectively addresses such complex climate problems at their root.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We are not ready for the changes that are coming. We are not ready at all. We are not prepared enough. Some of the changes are even anticipated to be unexpected, because there are many complicated interacting factors. The wisest action would be to fix the situation we have now and prevent further damage, then we won’t even have to worry about the future.

The smartest way would be to stop the worsening of global warming by being vegan. It sounds very simple but it is the best solution, the most effective and the effect of it will be felt almost immediately. So please, before the situation gets any more out of hand - let’s choose the vegan diet.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:49 PM
Bleaching in Australia’s Coral Sea part of severe global blight - 27 Jul 2010

The Coral Sea, east of the Great Barrier Reef in the Pacific Ocean, is one of the few places in the world where large fish such as sharks, tuna, and billfish, still abound in large numbers. Its diverse range of habitats are formed by 30 separate coral reefs that are different from those of the Great Barrier Reef, with many of the inhabitant species still to be discovered.

Recently, however, this sea has become one of countless other major coral reefs worldwide falling victim to coral bleaching, in which they are destroyed by ocean temperatures reaching record high levels.

In locations around the globe, experts are reporting coral bleaching this year as the worst since 1998, when a similar event caused 16% of the world’s coral reefs to perish. In Thailand’s waters, up to 90% of the reefs have been bleached and 20% have already died. Meanwhile, places like the Coral Sea face another global warming-related threat in increased levels of carbon dioxide that are acidifying the waters.

Marine Biologist Nicola Temple of the Australian Marine Conservation Society, a group that is working to protect the Coral Sea from these threats, spoke about the problem during a recent event to raise public awareness and support.

Nicola Temple – Marine biologist, Australian Marine Conservation Society (F): The pH has remained stable for millions of years, and its changing at a rate that is unbelievable in the last 150 years.
And, it’s going to essentially disintegrate our coral reefs. All of the animals and organisms that sequester carbon into their skeletons and into their shells are not going to be able to do so – including the very oxygen producers that we rely so heavily on.

VOICE: Ms. Temple urged for two main ways to reduce these devastating impacts, emphasizing the invaluable role of oceans in our own lives.

Nicola Temple (F): Oceans drive our climate, and our weather. They are responsible for producing the oxygen – one in every two breaths we take. One of the things we can do that’s within our power immediately is, of course, to reduce our footprint, to reduce our carbon emissions. And that’s something that’s essential and has to happen in conjunction with trying to protect what we can while we still have it.

So large marine reserves that protect a huge percentage of the population will instill some resilience into the ecosystems so that they can have a better chance at fighting things such as global climate change.

VOICE: Our thanks, Ms. Temple and the Australian Marine Conservation Society for your endeavors to protect the precious Coral Sea and our planet. May we each do our part to reduce our environmental impact by taking action to preserve our vital oceans.

Nicola Temple (F): Hi, my name is Nicola Temple. I’m the Coral Sea campaigner for the Australian Marine Conservation Society. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently urged for our conservation of the oceans and the lives they sustain, as during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival. In addition, oceans also absorb atmospheric CO2 – carbon dioxide – which directly helps to cool our planet.

From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution. So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish.

This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution. Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately.




Nhím Hoàng Kim
08-20-2011, 07:51 PM
The Dead Sea is dying - 4 Aug 2010

The unique water body, also the deepest hypersaline lake in the world, has attracted visitors to its shores for thousands of years where its mineral-rich waters and temperate climate are said to have therapeutic properties.

In recent decades, however, the sea level has been dropping at a rate of over a meter per year because the Jordan River, its main tributary, is being diverted along with reduced rainfall and drought further drying its waters.

Only around 2% of the Jordan River’s natural freshwater reaches the Dead Sea, where it now mixes only with wastewater diverted from fish ponds and salt springs.
Jordan and Israel have been working with the World Bank on a plan to save the Dead Sea that involves bringing water from the less-saline Red Sea; however environmentalists fear that mixing the two water body sources could be an ecological disaster.

Environmental organization Friends of the Earth Middle East has instead proposed restoring at least 30% of the Jordan River’s flow, saying that this could replenish the Dead Sea at a lower financial cost without the potentially adverse environmental consequences.

Our appreciation Friends of the Earth Middle East, World Bank, Israel and Jordan for this alert to the precarious situation as well as your efforts to find a way to save the fragile Dead Sea.
Let us all step vigorously toward the most eco-friendly solutions for the sake of both human and animal life. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often discussed how the precious resource of water could be best preserved, as in this October 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We tell people to do organic farming, how to conserve rainwater, ground water, and conserve land, planting trees to attract rain, etc In the Alwar district of Rajasthan, India, one Indian village was able to guide the water enough that it brought back to life five flowing rivers - five flowing rivers - that had been dead before, been dried up before due to withdrawing too much water.

We could learn from them as well. But even these water losses pale in comparison to the incredible amount of water that is wasted for animal production. It takes approximately 4,664 liters of water to produce just one serving of beef, but an entire vegan meal can be produced with only 371 liters of water. The livestock sector is probably the world's biggest source of water pollution as well.

Water means everything to our existence. We must conserve the water; we must do everything we can. And the first step to begin is to be vegan.





Nhím Hoàng Kim
01-29-2012, 07:18 PM
Ocean’s phytoplankton declines due to warming - 17 Aug 2010

Coordinating data from nearly half a million records, researchers at Dalhousie University in Canada have created the first historical climate account of phytoplankton, a nearly microscopic organism found abundantly in oceans worldwide.

As a vital component of life, phytoplankton currently accounts for half of all the oxygen-generating photosynthesis on Earth and is also at the very foundation of the ocean’s ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

Alarmingly, however, the scientists discovered that the occurrence of ocean phytoplankton has declined by nearly 50% in the past half century alone.

Supreme Master Television spoke about the significance of this tiny organism with Dr. David Siegel, an oceanography professor at University of California-Santa Barbara in the USA who wrote an editorial on the Canadian research that was published in “Nature” magazine.

Dr. David Siegel – Professor of Oceanography, University of California-Santa Barbara, California, USA (M): As you do photosynthesis, you produce oxygen, all of it at one time came from the oceans and came from phytoplankton before land plants evolved.

Now, about 50% of that net partner production comes from the oceans, through phytoplankton, that oxygen supports all the animals, all the bacteria.

VOICE: The cause for phytoplankton’s decline has been attributed primarily to human-caused global warming as well as polluting fertilizer runoff arising largely from livestock production.
This worldwide loss has also been associated with large decreases in bird and marine mammal populations who depend upon its existence for life.

Another adverse effect has been the reduced capability of the ocean to slow the pace of climate change because of being increasingly impaired in absorbing CO2 emissions.

Dr. David Siegel (M): The authors of the paper find through their statistical analysis that the amount of phytoplankton biomass has decreased by, globally, as much as 40% over the last 50 years. And that is just a huge number.

VOICE: We thank Dr. David Siegel and Dalhousie University researchers for helping us to further understand our interconnectedness with even the tiniest of ocean life.

May we all use this information wisely to quickly reverse such harmful declines and restore the balance of our Earth. During a July 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai, as on many previous occasions, spoke of our irreplaceable ecosystems and the caring responsibility needed for their ultimate protection.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, these things are very sad. It happens a lot and we still did not learn to be responsible and to feel for the environment and the helpless animals, which are our friends and helpers.

We have dumped so much chemicals and poisonous stuff into rivers and oceans. Our enduring, giving rivers and oceans have to take in daily so much. And they poison the marine life.

We just feel like it doesn’t concern us or that we are not responsible for their plight,for the death and disappearance of our precious co-inhabitants.

But the fact is that we are responsible. We have to stop the harmful effect of meat consumption, then we will see a happy, sufficient and satisfied world manifest in front of our eyes in a matter of weeks.






Nhím Hoàng Kim
01-29-2012, 07:21 PM
Award-winning film shows the world’s oceans overwhelmed by plastic - 29 Aug 2010

French documentary 『The Mermaids´ Tears: Oceans of Plastic』 takes the viewer into the 『plastic soup』 that our global seas have become. In particular, the film focuses on the pollution that is affecting countless marine animals.

In the Netherlands, for example, scientists who were looking into the decline of the nation’s fulmar bird discovered plastic in 95% of the deceased birds’ stomachs, while in California, USA, dolphins and whales have been found to have died in extreme agony, with their digestive tracts completely blocked by plastic debris.

The phrase 『mermaid tears』 refers to the small pellets of plastic resembling fish eggs or even smaller that have been spilled in the transport of raw plastic materials, or have been broken down as granules of waste over the years.

With every square kilometer of ocean now containing an average of 74,000 pieces of plastic, these so-called mermaid’s tears are nearly impossible to clean up.

Directed by Sandrine Fevdel of France, the film’s thoughtful look at the destructive effects of plastic pollution has earned it numerous awards, including Best Environmental Film at the Prague Festival and the Greek Public Television Broadcasting Award at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 2010.

Our heartfelt thanks, Ms. Feydel for this documentary, which makes clear the plight of marine animals in the face of human contamination of the oceans. May we all move rapidly to reverse these harmful effects and restore the health of our planet and oceans.

Ever-concerned for the balance of life on Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken of ways that humanity can show more care for the beings that depend on our actions for their survival, as during a May 2008 videoconference in South Korea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: In many places there are already bans on the use of plastic bags. So I think that’s a very good start, and maybe we should impose a little stricter ban on these harmful substances.

Maybe we can use a carton instead, something more disposable, something more eco-friendly. And then we have to change.

The root of the problem is the cause of global warming, and that root is our unkindness to our co-inhabitants.

So, in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. Instead of killing them, massacring them, sacrificing them, we have to take care of them.

Just become vegetarian, refuse all the animal products, then nobody will raise animals anymore, nobody will kill them anymore. Then we stop the physical harmful effect of animal stock raising.



