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11-02-2007, 01:33 AM
Nguồn: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/28/geniustable128.xml

Top 100 living geniuses

Last Updated: 2:08am GMT 31/10/2007

British geniuses feature heavily in a recent list that notes the greatest living thinkers of our time - proportionately more than any other country.

The top 100 living geniuses was compiled by a panel of six experts in creativity and innovation from Creators Synectics, a global consultants firm.
Top 100 thiên tài đương đại được biên tập từ bảng thống kê của 6 chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực sáng tạo và sáng kiến, từ công-ty tư vấn toàn cầu Creators Synectics.

The company emailed 4,000 Britons this summer and asked them to nominate up to 10 living people who they considered geniuses.
Cuộc điều tra đã gửi thư điện tử cho 4000 người Anh mùa hè vừa qua và yêu cầu họ bầu chọn 10 người mà họ cho là thiên tài.

Each genius was then awarded scores out of ten against criteria which included: paradigm shifting; popular acclaim; intellectual power; achievement and cultural importance.
Mỗi thiên tài sau đó được cho điểm dựa vào các tiêu chuẩn: có phát minh quan trọng; được nhiều người biết đến; tài năng trí óc; thành tựu và sự quan trọng về văn hóa.

Hai vị trí số 1 là Albert Hoffman (Thụy Sĩ), lãnh vực hóa học, và Tim Berners-Lee (Anh) người phát minh ra mạng Internet.
Võ sĩ quyền anh Mohamed Ali, tỉ phú Bill Gate, trùm khủng bố Bin Laden, giáo sư Võ Đình Tuấn và 2 nhân vật khác cùng xếp vị trí 43.

1=Albert Hoffman (Swiss) Chemist 27

1=Tim Berners-Lee (British) Computer Scientist 27

3 George Soros (American) Investor & Philanthropist 25

4 Matt Groening (American) Satirist & Animator 24

5= Nelson Mandela (South African) Politician & Diplomat 23

5= Frederick Sanger (British) Chemist 23

7= Dario Fo (Italian) Writer & Dramatist 22

7= Steven Hawking (British) Physicist 22

9= Oscar Niemeyer (Brazilian) Architect 21

9= Philip Glass (American) Composer 21

9= Grigory Perelman (Russian) Mathematician 21

12= Andrew Wiles (British) Mathematician 20

12= Li Hongzhi (Chinese) Spiritual Leader 20

12= Ali Javan (Iranian) Engineer 20

15= Brian Eno (British) Composer 19

15= Damian Hirst (British) Artist 19

15= Daniel Tammet (British) Savant & Linguist 19

18 Nicholson Baker (American) Writer 18

19 Daniel Barenboim (N/A) Musician 17

20= Robert Crumb (American) Artist 16

20= Richard Dawkins (British) Biologist and philosopher 16

20= Larry Page & Sergey Brin (American) Publishers 16

20= Rupert Murdoch (American) Publisher 16

20= Geoffrey Hill (British) Poet 16

25 Garry Kasparov (Russian) Chess Player 15

26= The Dalai Lama (Tibetan) Spiritual Leader 14

26= Steven Spielberg (American) Film maker 14

26= Hiroshi Ishiguro (Japanese) Roboticist 14

26= Robert Edwards (British) Pioneer of IVF treatment 14

26= Seamus Heaney (Irish) Poet 14

31 Harold Pinter (British) Writer & Dramatist 13

32= Flossie Wong-Staal (Chinese) Bio-technologist 12

32= Bobby Fischer (American) Chess Player 12

32= Prince (American) Musician 12

32= Henrik Gorecki (Polish) Composer 12

32= Avram Noam Chomski (American) Philosopher & linguist 12

32= Sebastian Thrun (German) Probabilistic roboticist 12

32= Nima Arkani Hamed (Canadian) Physicist 12

32= Margaret Turnbull (American) Astrobiologist 12

40= Elaine Pagels (American) Historian 11

40= Enrique Ostrea (Philippino) Pediatrics & neonatology 11

40= Gary Becker (American) Economist 11

43= Mohammed Ali (American) Boxer 10

43= Osama Bin Laden (Saudi) Islamicist 10

43= Bill Gates (American) Businessman 10

43=Philip Roth (American) Writer 10

43= James West (American) Invented the foil electrical microphone 10

43= Tuan Vo-Dinh (Vietnamese) Bio-Medical Scientist 10

49= Brian Wilson (American) Musician 9

49= Stevie Wonder (American) Singer songwriter 9

49= Vint Cerf (American) Computer scientist 9

49= Henry Kissinger (American) Diplomat and politician 9

49= Richard Branson (British) Publicist 9

49= Pardis Sabeti (Iranian) Biological anthropologist 9

49= Jon de Mol (Dutch) Television producer 9

49= Meryl Streep (American) Actress 9

49= Margaret Attwood (Canadian) Writer 9

58= Placido Domingo (Spanish) Singer 8

58= John Lasseter (American) Digital Animator 8

58= Shunpei Yamazaki (Japanese) Computer scientist & physicist 8

58=Jane Goodall (British) Ethologist & Anthropologist 8

58= Kirti Narayan Chaudhuri (Indian) Historian 8

58= John Goto (British) Photographer 8

58= Paul McCartney (British) Musician 8

58= Stephen King (American) Writer 8

58= Leonard Cohen (American) Poet & musician 8

67= Aretha Franklin (American) Musician 7

67= David Bowie (British) Musician 7

67= Emily Oster (American) Economist 7

67= Steve Wozniak (American) Engineer and co-founder of Apple Computers 7

67= Martin Cooper (American) Inventor of the cell phone 7

72= George Lucas (American) Film maker 6

72= Niles Rogers (American) Musician 6

72= Hans Zimmer (German) Composer 6

72= John Williams (American) Composer 6

72= Annette Baier (New Zealander) Philosopher 6

72= Dorothy Rowe (British) Psychologist 6

72= Ivan Marchuk (Ukrainian) Artist & sculptor 6

72= Robin Escovado (American) Composer 6

72= Mark Dean (American) Inventor & computer scientist 6

72= Rick Rubin (American) Musician & producer 6

72= Stan Lee (American) Publisher 6

83= David Warren (Australian) Engineer 5

83= Jon Fosse (Norwegian) Writer & dramatist 5

83= Gjertrud Schnackenberg (American) Poet 5

83= Graham Linehan (Irish) Writer & dramatist 5

83= JK Rowling (British) Writer 5

83= Ken Russell (British) Film maker 5

83= Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov (Russian) Small arms designer 5

83= Erich Jarvis (American) Neurobiologist 5

91= Chad Varah (British) Founder of Samaritans 4

91= Nicolas Hayek (Swiss) Businessman and founder of Swatch 4

91= Alastair Hannay (British) Philosopher 4

94= Patricia Bath (American) Ophthalmologist 3

94= Thomas A. Jackson (American) Aerospace engineer 3

94= Dolly Parton (American )Singer 3

94= Morissey (British) Singer 3

94= Michael Eavis (British )Organiser of Glastonbury 3

94= Ranulph Fiennes (British) Adventurer 3

100= Quentin Tarantino (American) Filmmaker 2

11-02-2007, 01:41 AM
Giáo sư Võ Đình Tuấn xếp số 43 trong top 100 thiên tài đương đại

home page: http://www.ornl.gov/info/awards/cf/cfcitations/cfbios/vodinh.shtm

Tuan Vo-Dinh

For distinguished contributions to the field of analytical spectroscopy and the development of advanced monitoring technologies for environmental and human health protection.

Tuan Vo-Dinh received a Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry in 1975 and is currently a corporate fellow and group leader of the Advanced Monitoring Development Group at ORNL. His research interests include monitoring techniques for process, environmental control and environmental analysis, laser techniques for trace analysis using luminescence and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, cancer detection and biomedical diagnostics, and environmental and biomedical sensors (antibody biosensors, gene probes, biochips for HIV, TB, p53, cancer diagnosis).

Dr. Vo-Dinh has received five R&D 100 Awards (1996, SERS gene probe; 1994, spot test for PCB; 1992, SERS optical data storage; 1987, fluoro-immunosensor; and 1981, PNA dosimeter). He has also received the Lockheed Martin Technology Commercialization Award (1998); the BER-50 Award for Biological and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (1997); the Inventor of the Year Award, Inventors Club of America and Tennessee Inventors Association (1996); two Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer, (1995, 1986); the Thomas Jefferson Award, Martin Marietta Corporation (1992); the Languedoc-Rousillon Award (France) (1989); and the Gold Medal Award of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (1988).

Dr. Vo-Dinh has authored more than 220 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is the author or editor of seven books. He holds 16 U.S. patents, five of which have been licensed by DOE to private companies for commercial development. Dr.Vo-Dinh has presented more than 100 invited lectures at international meetings in universities and research institutions. He has organized and chaired over 10 national and international conferences in environmental and biomedical research areas. He served as the Honorary Chairman of two International Symposia on Analytical Sciences held in Deauville, France in 1993 and in Montreux, Switzerland in 1994.

Dr. Vo-Dinh is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemists and editor of the international journal Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. He also serves or has served as an associate editor of ANALUSIS, and as a member on the editorial and advisory board of Applied Spectroscopy, Talanta, Spectrochimica Acta Reviews, and the Journal of Biomedical Optics. He is also the editor of the book series on Advances in Environmental and Process Control Technologies. Dr.Vo-Dinh serves as chairman of Commission on Optical Detection Methods for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), chairman of the ASTM Subcommittee on Fiberoptics, and the U.S. delegate to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Industrial Advisory Group.

Dr. Vo-Dinh was appointed a corporate fellow in 1994.


11-02-2007, 01:56 AM
Hompage: http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/

Tim Berners-Lee - Người phát minh ra Internet
Tim Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, Senior Researcher at MIT's CSAIL where he leads the Decentralized Information Group (DIG), and Professor of Computer Science at Southampton ECS.

Weaving the Web by Tim Berners-Lee with Mark Fischetti, (Harper San Francisco; Paperback: ISBN:006251587X, Abridged audio cassette ISBN:0694521256) and several other languages. 1997.


11-02-2007, 02:02 AM


Born: 18 December 1946
Where: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Awards: Won 3 Oscars, 2 BAFTAs, 2 Golden Globes
Height: 5' 7"

Filmography: The Complete List

In the fickle world of cinema, there are very few names you can splash across a billboard to ensure a film's financial success. Harrison Ford, perhaps, or Julia Roberts. George Lucas, if it's a Star Wars movie. Tom Cruise seemed a cert till Eyes Wide Shut. These names will probably make you millions, but there's only one sure-fire guarantee - Steven Spielberg. As a director, he's the most successful of all time. His films have been so popular, so consistently entertaining, that people rush to see anything tagged as A Steven Spielberg Production, even movies he merely financed. No one else has muscle like that. No one else ever has.

11-02-2007, 02:09 AM
David Bowie
AKA David Robert Jones

Born: 8-Jan-1947
Birthplace: London, England [1]

Gender: Male
Religion: Buddhist
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Musician, Actor

Nationality: England
Executive summary: Ziggy Stardust

11-02-2007, 02:15 AM


Plácido Domingo

Plácido Domingo, an opera conductor and administrator as well as a singer, has appeared in 118 different roles – with the 119th scheduled for the spring of 2002 – more than any other tenor in the annals of music. His repertoire spans the gamut from Mozart to Verdi, from Berlioz to Puccini, from Wagner to Ginastera, from Spanish and Neapolitan melodies to contemporary pop songs, and he has preserved all of it a remarkable array of recordings, videos and films.